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Service Information can be found on the Obituaries Page

* Ruth L. Baker, 94, of Ainsworth 10:30 a.m. Feb. 22

* Joyce M. Welch, 80, of Ainsworth 1 p.m. Feb. 19

* Karen R. Davison, 81, of Ainsworth 10 a.m. Feb. 18

* Donna Campbell, 79, of Stuart 10:30 a.m. Feb. 17

* Gary Raymer, 64, of Atkinson 11 a.m. Feb. 15

* Meeting reports located below for:

Feb. 13 Ainsworth City Council

Feb. 11 Sandhills Care Center Board of Directors

Feb. 11 Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education

Feb. 4 Brown County Commissioners

Jan. 22 Brown County Commissioners

Jan. 9 Ainsworth City Council

* Council tables action on LB 840 application

(Posted 6:30 a.m. Feb. 13)

Following a lengthy executive session Wednesday, the Ainsworth City Council tabled action on an LB 840 application for professional recruitment/retention.

After initially voting to deny the application for $90,000 in LB 840 funding in November, Mayor Joel Klammer said the council received additional information from the applicant and placed the item on Wednesday’s agenda for further discussion.

Prior to entering into the executive session, audience member Karen O’Hare said the city’s LB 840 plan as well as language in the state’s plan clearly states that LB 840 funding can be used for both recruitment and retention.

“It states multiple times that it can be used not only to recruit but to retain existing businesses,” O’Hare said. “The next closest business to this business is two counties away.”

O’Hare said the LB 840 fund has been used to recruit professionals, who receive the funding over a period of time and then leave the community.

“This business has been here six years and plans to grow and expand,” O’Hare said. “The public voted on these guidelines.”

Audience member Andy Taylor also encouraged the council to approve the application.

“An LB 840 package was something that helped bring us to Ainsworth,” Taylor said. “It is a valuable program to grow and retain businesses.”

Taylor said the LB 840 program is about making cities better places to live and a place people want to come to live and work.

“If this business is not given the help it needs, it may not be here,” Taylor said. “I think it is a good idea to approve this application.”

The council, after the executive session, tabled action on the application until its March meeting.

During a light agenda Wednesday, the council accepted the six-month report from the Citizen Advisory Review Committee on the LB 840 program as submitted.

City Administrator Lisa Schroedl said there is currently $508,851 in the LB 840 fund, with $77,578 of that total allocated.

During the six-month review, all seven active loans from the LB 840 program were found to have all repayments current. Three façade grants were also closed during the six-month review period.

The committee, which consists of Chair Marcus Fairhead, Mark Kovar, Roger Lechtenberg, Jennifer Schuett and Lacey Marbry, did not recommend any changes to the program.

Schroedl said three of the committee members have terms that expire in March. She said Kovar and Fairhead both indicated they were willing to serve another term on the committee. Klammer said he would contact Lechtenberg to see if he was interested in serving another term.

In the only other action item, the council approved a special designated liquor license application for Niobrara Valley Vineyards to host a wine tasting in Willow Creek Mercantile March 14 from 5 until 8 p.m. during a citywide event.

During her report, Schroedl said she continued to follow up with FEMA to complete any necessary information needed for the city to finally receive the $521,000 in damage reimbursement from the 2019 flooding.

Schroedl said, once the city receives the damage reimbursement, she can apply for administrative reimbursement. She said she has kept track of all the city’s staff time dedicated to the 2019 flooding and subsequent application process for FEMA reimbursement.

The next meeting of the Ainsworth City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. March 12.

* Care Center continues strong financial stretch

(Posted 1:30 p.m. Feb. 11)

The Sandhills Care Center experienced another solid month financially in January, with the facility generating $332,048 in revenue with expenses of $251,770 for a net margin for the month of $80,278.

The facility received an additional $32,065 in tax levy funding as the care center begins receiving the second year of property tax funds from Brown County and the city of Ainsworth of a five-year commitment approved by voters.

The funds received from the property tax levies are kept separately from the care center’s operating account in an interlocal account. That account has grown to approximately $153,000, with funds used from the interlocal account having to be approved by the board. The money used from that account thus far has gone toward facility improvements.

Board Chair Tom Jones said the West Plains Bank offers a business municipality account. If the board was to change the interlocal account to the business municipality account, the care center would receive 3.25 percent interest on the funds.

“It would still serve as a checking account if we need the funds,” Jones said. “I think we need to make the change.”

The board, by a 3-0 vote with Kent Taylor abstaining and Dennis Bauer absent, approved moving the interlocal funds to a business municipality account through West Plains Bank.

Business manager McKenzie Crane discussed a fraudulent charge that was made on the care center’s debit card by an airline in Spain.

Crane said staff caught the fraudulent charge quickly, but it was difficult to recoup the funding since the account was a debit account instead of a credit account.

“We were able to get together with the bank and get the account credited,” Crane said. “The bank suggested we go to a credit card instead of a debit card.”

Taylor said a credit card would be safer than a debit card. He thanked the staff at Homestead Bank for working with the care center staff to get the fraudulent charge credited back.

The board approved closing the debit card account and opening a credit card account through Homestead Bank with a credit limit of $5,000.

Jacobs reported there are currently 30 residents in the Sandhill Care Center, with 14 paying privately, 13 receiving Medicaid assistance, two receiving hospice Medicaid assistance and one receiving Medicare assistance.

She said there were no admissions during the past month, with one resident being discharged back to an assisted living facility and one resident death.

Jacobs said 14 residents are from Ainsworth, seven are from Cherry County, four are from rural Brown County, two are from Long Pine, two are from Keya Paha County and one resident is from Rock County.

Jacobs said the care center had hired one full-time CNA during the past month and had rehired a former CNA. She said one part-time dietary employee was terminated during the past month, one full-time CNA resigned and two full-time RNs were leaving for different jobs.

Jacobs said the facility is in need of CNAs, dietary employees and night shift charge nurses.

In a complete reversal from the pandemic years, Jacobs and Crane provided the board with a current analysis of hiring in-house staff compared to hiring agency staffing.

While agency staffing was previously much more expensive than in-house staff, Jacobs said it is now actually less expensive to bring on agency RN staff members than it is to pay for in-house RNs.

“Agency rates have gone down,” Jacobs said. “We are not looking to go all agency, we are just comparing the current costs for you.”

She said the facility, for the time being, was replacing the two nurses who were leaving with one RN and one LPN from an agency. The cost of the two agency staff members will be $4,765 less per month than the care center was paying for the two in-house RNs.

Crane said agencies are now calling the care center frequently to see if the facility has any placements for agency staffing.

Director of Nursing Sara Mayhew said the two nurses leaving were excellent and she would prefer to have in-house staff in the long term for continuity. However, she said, in the short term, using agency staffing was not as big an issue as it had been in the past. She said the agency LPN who was coming had been in the facility before and was a wonderful staff member.

Jones said there were a lot of benefits of having in-house staffing compared to agency staffing, as in-house staff members tended to live in the community and provide more support to the local economy.

The board heard updates on the generator repair project and the front door replacement project.

Jacobs said Glass Edge estimated the new handicap-accessible front door would arrive in two to three weeks. She said the company would then try to coordinate the installation of the door with an installation the company also had planned in the Bassett area.

Jacobs said the switches for the generator have now arrived, and Ainsworth Electric would coordinate with the Nebraska Public Power District to make the needed repairs to the facility’s generator.

Following the regular agenda items, the board held an executive session to conduct the administrator’s annual performance review.

The next meeting of the Sandhills Care Center Board is scheduled for 5 p.m. March 10.

* Personal property schedules due May 1 to assessor

(Posted 12:15 p.m. Feb. 11)

The Brown County Assessor’s office reminds owners of personal property that the Nebraska Personal Property Return and Schedule must be filed on or before May 1 with the county assessor where the personal property is located.

A Nebraska Personal Property Return and Schedule must be filed for all depreciable tangible personal property that is:

  1. a) Owned or held on January 1, 12:01 a.m. of each year; or
  2. b) Leased from or to another person.

The personal property schedule pertains to any depreciable property, farm or ranch equipment that is used to conduct business operations.

If depreciable tangible personal property subject to taxation is not reported by May 1, it is subject to penalties.

Those needing to file a personal property schedule may do so personally or an accountant can fill out the schedule online.

Anyone with questions on what needs to be included on the personal property schedule may contact the Brown County Assessor’s office at 402-3876-1621.

* Board accepts resignations of principal, teacher

(Posted 7 a.m. Feb. 11)

The Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education on Monday accepted the resignations of Elementary Principal Ben Wright and junior high English teacher Heather Lutter.

Wright has served as the principal at Ainsworth Elementary for the past four years after being hired for his first principal position by ACS. In his resignation letter, Wright said he had been offered and accepted the superintendent position with Sumner-Eddyville-Miller Public Schools.

Superintendent Dale Hafer announced, after conducting three interviews, elementary guidance counselor Kelsey Reisen had been hired as the elementary principal for the 2025-26 school year.

“We had three solid interviews,” Hafer told the board. “Kelsey’s knowledge stood out related to MTSS, student data, curriculum and especially in the student mental health area.”

Hafer said the district would now need to fill the elementary counselor position, and would move on that fairly quickly.

Wright thanked the community for welcoming his family in such a warm way. He said he was grateful for the trust and support shown by the school board, the staff and the community.

In her letter of resignation, Lutter thanked the school for its comradery and acceptance during her 12-year career.

Hafer said Lutter had accepted a position on the Educational Service Unit 17 professional staff.

“She will still be around, and we will get to work with her,” Hafer said.

Activities Director Luke Wroblewski said Lutter indicated she would like to continue serving as the speech and play production coach for the school if the district was interested in keeping her on in those roles.

Hafer said the district had received two applications thus far for the middle school teaching position.

“We have seen some interest,” the superintendent said.

In other business Monday, the board approved the 2025-26 school calendar as presented. The calendar includes 175 days of student instruction and 185 teacher work days. The first day of class for students will be Aug. 14, with Christmas break running from Dec. 20 through Jan. 6, 2026.

Graduation is set for May 10, with the final day of class for students slated for May 21, 2026.

Hafer said work on the calendar started several weeks ago. The administrators have looked it over, and teachers also provided their input.

The board approved the 2023-24 audit of the district’s finances completed by Dana F. Cole Co. of Ainsworth. Hafer said there was a little frustration with getting the audit completed.

“There is a shortage of auditors across the state,” the superintendent said. “Audits cost more and more each year.”

He said the cost of the district’s audit was $17,000. He said he remembered audits at Sandhills costing $3,400 when he was the superintendent there and the board at the time thinking that cost was high.

Hafer thanked Deidre Stoner and Lacey Marbry for their work with the auditors.

“They did an excellent job,” he said.

The only adverse finding in the audit was a lack of segregation of duties over financial controls, which Hafer said all smaller districts with limited paid staff members receive.

The board approved the first reading of policy updates as recommended by the Nebraska Association of School Boards. The board also recognized the review of district policies 504 through 506.

Hafer said the NASB asked the board to consider an update to its policy regarding timelines for certified employee contract releases.

The superintendent said current policy allows certified staff to be released from their contracts as late as May 1.

“Not many schools have that late a date,” he said. “It hasn’t been an issue, but it could put us in a bad spot.”

NASB suggested the policy be updated to include that certified staff submit a letter of intent to accept a contract for the following school year by March 15, with signed contracts due back to the district by April 15.

Hafer said the intent with the policy update was not to play hardball, and the policy included language that the staff member could be released from the contract after April 15 if a suitable replacement can be found.

“It gives us more time to do what we need to do,” Hafer said. “It also gives us the flexibility to work with someone if a suitable replacement can be found.”

The board approved the first reading of the policy update.

The board also approved the extra duty salary schedule as presented. Hafer said the extra duty schedule is an addition to the negotiated salary schedule that was approved in January. He said the extra duty schedule was separated to allow board members Jake Graff and Bryan Doke to abstain from voting on the schedule since they both serve as coaches for the district.

“This will conclude negotiations for the next two years,” Hafer said.

The board approved the pay schedule as presented, with Graff and Doke abstaining from the vote.

During his report, Hafer updated the board on the district’s finances. He said revenue in January was down from the previous year, but a larger payment was received in February. The superintendent said the district has certificates of deposit in reserve that can be used as needed and then renewed when funding is received.

Hafer said utilizing CDs allowed the district to generate about $150,000 during the past year, which can then be used to supplement the district’s cash on hand and reduce future tax asking.

During his report, Wroblewski said Ainsworth had been selected to host district boys golf for the second consecutive year. District golf will be held May 19 at the Ainsworth Municipal Golf Course.

“That is exciting for our kids,” Wroblewski said.

During his written report, Secondary Principal Steve Dike congratulated Emma Kennedy for qualifying for state in the FFA District LDEs by finishing as the district runner-up in the employment skills category.

Prior to the regular meeting, the board conducted a walk-through of the school facilities and discussed potential building and grounds repairs and upgrades. Hafer said the board may hold an additional walk-through ahead of its next meeting, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. March 10.

* Mashburn wins KBRB Big Game Contest

(Posted 3:45 p.m. Feb. 10)

Young Henry Mashburn of Ainsworth picked Philadelphia to best Kansas City in Sunday’s NFL Championship by a score of 37-22 to miss the 40-22 Eagles triumph by just three points. That guess earns Henry the win in this year’s KBRB Big Game Contest and $200 in certificates to participating Big Game sponsors.

Mashburn’s score was two points closer than any of the other 187 scores that were called in to the KBRB Studios Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tom Mundorf of Springview and Jordyn Foster of Bassett both missed the final score by just five points to tie for second. Mundorf picked a 40-17 Eagles triumph, while Foster had the Eagles pegged to win, 37-20. Mundorf and Foster each earned $125 in certificates for their second-place tie.

Sharla May of Bassett took fourth by herself, picking the Eagles by a 35-20 margin to miss the total by seven points. May earned $100 in certificates for her pick.

There was a four-way tie for fifth place this year with picks that missed the final score by 10 points. Madison Stout of Springview (38-30), Walker Shaw of Bassett (35-27), Logan Mundorf of Springview (31-21) and Amy Daugherty of Ainsworth (31-23) each received $50 in certificates.

Ten contestants missed the final score by 11 points to finish tied for ninth. Each will earn a $25 certificate to one of KBRB’s Big Game sponsors. Those contestants are Kenley Welke of Long Pine (34-27), Shauna Rudnick of Ainsworth (35-28), Kristin Kinnick of Ainsworth (34-27), Allen Privett of Ainsworth (38-31), Jan Buoy of Bassett (31-24), Brady Foster of Bassett (31-24), Dominic Schumacher of Ainsworth (38-31), Sam Titus of Ainsworth (31-24), Nancy Falk of Ainsworth (38-31) and Kevin Schuetz of Ainsworth (31-24).

Winners may pick up their certificates from the KBRB Studios.

KBRB thanks everyone who called in a score, and to all of this year’s Big Game Contest sponsors:

Ainsworth Elks Club
Willow Creek Mercantile
Kelly Gambill Massage Therapy
Stella’s Floral and Sweets
Needles N Pins
Calista’s Family Styling Salon
Husker Meats
Yogi’s Place
Red & White Market
The 402 Bar
Buckles Automotive
First Class Auto
The Grand Theater
The Silver Circle Bar
The Book Peddler
Palmer Embroidery & Boutique
Ainsworth Motors
H&R Food Center
Pizza Hut
Speedee Mart
Ainsworth Auto Parts Carquest
Century Lumber Center
Long Pine
Long Pine Lumber
Simple Solutions
The Sandhills Lounge
The L-Bow Room
Circle B Livestock
G&V’s Market
Scott’s Place
The Whistle Stop
Turp’s Automotive
Cast Iron Bar & Grille
Bloomin’ Daisies
Wettlaufer’s Flower Shop and Nursery
RF Goeke/Daze of Wine
First Stop
Shamrock Nursery
Springlake Angus Center
Winner, S.D.
Office Products Center

* Arganbright appointed to Game and Parks Board

(Posted 11 a.m. Feb. 7)

Governor Jim Pillen announced the appointment of Kurt Arganbright of Valentine to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Arganbright will serve as the representative for District 6.  His appointment is subject to confirmation by the Nebraska Legislature.

Arganbright has been in private practice with Arganbright Law Office at Valentine since 2010 with expertise in agricultural law, real estate, estate planning and business planning. He also serves as county attorney for both Rock and Thomas counties. Additionally, his family owns and operates a cow-calf operation.

Arganbright has served multiple entities in leadership roles including the Sandhills Cattle Association, Valentine Planning Commission, Agriculture Builders of Nebraska and the Nebraska State Bar Association.

Arganbright has a degree in agricultural economics from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. He received his juris doctor from the University of Nebraska College of Law.

* Rock County, Ainsworth qualify for State Quiz Bowl

(Posted 3:45 p.m. Feb. 5)

Rock County and Ainsworth claimed the top two spots during the ESU 17 High School Quiz Bowl Monday. Finishing in the top two qualifies both Rock County and Ainsworth for the State Quiz Bowl April 30 at Hastings.

Rock County finished the competition a perfect 4-0, while Ainsworth claimed the second qualifying spot with a 3-1 record. Other teams participating in the ESU 17 event were Keya Paha County, Valentine and Cody-Kilgore. The event was played in a round robin format, with each team going head-to-head against all of the other competing teams in a series of 12 toss-up questions and bonus questions for those who answered the toss-up questions correctly.

Ainsworth’s qualifying team consists of Grace Goodwin, William Biltoft, Jace Johnson, Sam Titus, David Cook, Willa Flynn, Erick Hitchcock, Ben Clingman, Raelynn Reagan and Dylan Titus. Ainsworth will next compete in the Gothenburg Quiz Bowl Feb. 19.

Rock County qualifying team members are Solomon Pyle, Lyndsey Sybrant, Kade Wiiest, Carter Buell, Trey Anthony, Andrew Rowan and Noah Seberger.

* Community Hall roof to be replaced

(Posted 3 p.m. Feb. 4)

During Tuesday’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners, Brown County Agricultural Society representative Alex Goochey told the board the Ag Society had approved a $58,775 bid from Leach Roofing to replace the roof of the community hall at Johnstown.

Goochey said the Ag Society received nine bids for the roof replacement project. He said the lowest bid of just over $42,000 did not include comparable shingles to the other bids. Goochey said most of the bids ranged between $58,775 and $65,000.

Goochey said the bid from Leach Roofing included a Class 4 impact-resistant shingle, which the $42,000 bid did not, and included a 10-year warranty on the work and a 40-year warranty on the shingles.

The cost of the roof replacement will initially be paid using inheritance tax funds, with the Agricultural Society then reimbursing the inheritance tax fund over time.

No action was needed by the commissioners, as the board had previously approved allowing the Agricultural Society to proceed with the project.

In other business Tuesday, the commissioners, with Board Chair Dennis Bauer absent, visited by phone with Hathshire Berkaway attorney Bryce Sealock of Kearney regarding an appeal bond for the company to post after it filed suit against the county over the amount of damages awarded by the county to property owners who would lose land for the construction of a road to isolated property in southwestern Brown County.

County Attorney Andy Taylor said the county had the right to request the company post an appeal bond. If the judge rules in favor of the county, the bond would be used to reimburse the county for the expense of having any expert witnesses testify during the proceedings.

Taylor said, if the appeal is successful, then the appellant would receive the full appeal bond back from the court and the county would be liable for any of the expenses incurred.

Sealock said he did not see an issue with posting an appeal bond, which the board then voted to set at $5,000. Sealock asked what would define a successful appeal. Taylor said, by statute, if the court rules to any reduced amount in damages that were assessed by the county, then the appeal would be deemed successful.

Taylor said County Surveyor Lloyd Smith had agreed to survey the proposed Route 5 for access to the isolated parcel purchased by Grant Kobes at the site of the former Long Lake State Recreation Area.

Sealock said his client would request a more comprehensive survey of the area, but that decision would be left to the court.

During his report, Highway Superintendent Kenny Turpin said the roads department had received 37 stop signs and four stop ahead signs from the Nebraska Department of Transportation and had placed those signs at county road intersections in need. The board approved a resolution certifying the completion of the stop sign upgrades.

Turpin reported the roads department had performed an inventory of the 911 road signs in the county. He said some signs were missing or damaged. Replacement signs will be purchased using 911 funds.

“We will do an order when we know exactly how many signs we need,” Turpin said.

He said delivery drivers, emergency personnel and motorists from outside the area really liked having the road signs.

Turpin said he had completed a study on a road requested for vacation. The commissioners set a public hearing on the road vacation for 1:30 p.m. March 18. Turpin said he would send letters to all adjacent property owners notifying them of the public hearing.

Tim Grubb, owner of Grubb Grinding of Norfolk, told the commissioners he worked on heavy equipment repairs in Antelope and Madison counties and had received work requests from the Stuart and Atkinson area.

He said it only made sense to make trips to the area if he could line up a week’s worth of work. He said he worked on Caterpillar and John Deere heavy equipment, and could potentially find the county discounts for some parts.

“We can at least give you competitive comparisons,” Grubb said.

Grubb supplied Turpin with his contact information.

The commissioners approved signing a letter of opposition to LB 216, which has been introduced in the Legislature and would effectively combine the district and county court systems.

Clerk Travee Hobbs, who also serves as the district court clerk, said the same bill had been introduced before. She said combining the district and county courts would make it harder for people to receive services, especially in rural counties.

Blair Speck with the BKR Extension office presented the commissioners with the annual report from the Extension office. Speck said 4-H participation increased by 22 percent during the past year and she reached more than 1,000 school students through outreach efforts. Speck said she was currently working with classrooms on embryology projects.

Speck said candidates for the BKR Extension’s open beef educator position were being interviewed this week.

Commissioner Jeremiah Dailey said it was nice to see that 4-H participation numbers were on the rise and more families were benefitting from the programs offered by the Extension office.

In a final action item Tuesday, the board reviewed its 2026 insurance renewal questionnaire from NIRMA.

The next meeting of the Brown County Commissioners is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Feb. 18.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 11:45 a.m. Feb. 3)

January 26

Responded to a one vehicle accident near the intersection of Highway 20 and 432nd Ave.  The Brown County Ambulance and the Ainsworth Fire Department also responded to the scene.  The driver and one passenger were taken to the Brown County Hospital.  The vehicle was towed from the scene.

Follow-up investigations regarding abandoned vehicles left along Highway 20 and Highway 7.  Both vehicles were found to finally be removed from the roadway the following day.

January 27

Received a parking complaint in the school drop off line.  The driver was found to be utilizing the correct drop-off procedures the following day.

An Ainsworth resident reported she received a package that she did not order. 

Issued a verbal warning for speeding on a traffic stop near Highway 20 and mile marker 240.

Received a 911 hang-up call from an automated crash detection application.  The caller was located and reported safe at this time; the phone had fallen off a moving vehicle.

Responded to a report of a Nebraska driver near the intersection of Highway 183 and 879th Ave that lost large round bales off of a trailer. The Nebraska Department of Transportation was called for assistance in removing the hay from the roadway.  The driver was issued a citation for no valid registration and a warning for proper load securement, as it was found the appropriate straps were applied but had failed.

Vin Inspection-1

January 28

Released a male subject from the Brown County Jail back to Boyd County Sheriff’s office for a court appearance where they were issued a personal recognizance bond.

Vin Inspection-2

Follow-up interview regarding a previous assault case.

Received a report regarding a bank scam.  The reporter was believed to be on the phone with an Amazon support technician.  The technician had the reporter download an app on her cellphone.  The reporter did not provide any banking info on the phone call, but the technician was able to transfer money out of the reporter’s bank account utilizing this app.  The reporter was able to stop the transfer at her bank while still on the phone with the technician.

Attempted one and served two paper services in Ainsworth and served one in Long Pine.

Responded to a report of a domestic disturbance in Ainsworth. 

Issued a citation for speeding 30mph in a 20mph school zone near 4th and Ash St in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to pick up a flight crew from the airport.

January 29

Vin Inspection-1

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth at a senior living facility and transported one patient to the hospital.

Received a report of a disturbance near South Main St in Ainsworth.

Responded along with the Ainsworth Fire Department to a vehicle fire on Highway 183 near mile marker 201.  The driver was able to put out the fire with an extinguisher and the fire department provided water to make sure it wouldn’t ignite again.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to pick up a flight crew at the airport.

Responded to a report of a verbal disturbance near the 400 Block of Dawes Street. 

January 30

Assisted in a fire drill at the Ainsworth Community Schools.

Attempted a paper service South of Long Pine. Served one paper service in Long Pine.

Received a report of a toll scam.

January 31

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near Highway 183 and 881st Rd intersection.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near Highway 20 and 429th Ave.

Received a report of a disturbance near Cowboy Trail Rd and 435th Ave.

Located a small grass fire on Highway 183 near the 881st Rd intersection.  The Long Pine Fire Department was paged to the scene.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 7, near mile marker 40.

During a traffic stop near 4th and Pine St in Ainsworth, the driver, a  juvenile, was issued a citation for failure to use turn signal, minor in possession of alcohol, open alcohol container, and driving under the influence of alcohol.  A juvenile passenger was issued a citation for minor in possession of alcohol.

Responded to a report of a one vehicle accident near Front Street in Ainsworth.  The driver was having a medical emergency and struck a building.  No injuries were reported, damage occurred to the building and vehicle, and the vehicle was towed from the scene.

February 1

Attempted paper service in Ainsworth.

Issued a citation for speeding 84mph in a 65mph zone during a traffic stop on Highway 20, near mile marker 246.

During a traffic stop on Highway 20, a written warning was issued for no taillights and operating a commercial vehicle without a CDL.

Responded to a report of reckless driving in Ainsworth near 1st and Oak St. 

Weekly Log
Calls: 85
911 Calls: 10
Calls for Service: 12
Inmates Housed: 2

* Area students named to UN-L Deans’ List

(Posted 7:15 a.m. Feb. 3)

More than 7,300 University of Nebraska–Lincoln students have been named to the Deans’ List for the fall semester of the 2024-25 academic year.

Qualification for the Deans’ List varies among the eight undergraduate colleges and the Explore Center.

Area students named to the UN-L Deans’ List for the fall semester are:

Maren Arens, a senior majoring in marketing.

Long Pine
Allie Morgan Cosgrove, a sophomore majoring in child, youth and family studies.

Logan Kenneth Hafer, a senior majoring in biochemistry.

Brooklyn Buell, a sophomore majoring in environmental and sustainability studies.

Gracie Eva Swanson a junior majoring in elementary education and special education (K-6).

Wood Lake
Ty Schlueter, a junior majoring in agribusiness.

Shyanne Dawn Urbin, a senior majoring in biological systems engineering.

Cameron Sattler, a senior majoring in animal science.

Emma Alder, a senior majoring in biochemistry.

Madeline Ann Rentschler, a junior majoring in actuarial science.

Abby Thiele, a freshman majoring in elementary education.

Finley Melisande Mosner, a freshman majoring in finance.

Lauren Schoonveld, a freshman majoring in communication sciences and disorders.

More than 200 University of Nebraska–Lincoln students have been named to the Deans’ Commendation List for the fall semester of the 2024-25 academic year.

The Commendation List recognizes students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences and/or College of Journalism and Mass Communications who met or exceeded a specified grade-point average and carried six to 11 graded semester hours.

Area students named to the Deans’ Commendation List are:

Libby Wilkins, a junior majoring in agricultural leadership, education and communication.

* Carns Bridge replacement begins March 10

(Posted 10:15 a.m. Feb. 1)

The Nebraska Department of Transportation announced construction on the Carns Bridge will begin March 10, weather permitting. The bridge is located approximately 5.5 miles east of the Highway 7 bridge over the Niobrara River in Rock and Keya Paha counties and is the final emergency response project from the flooding of March 2019 to go to construction.

The Carns Bridge, also spanning the Niobrara River, was one of the 27 bridges damaged in 2019 when historic water currents and extreme ice flows in the Niobrara River caused widespread damage to roadways and property across the state. At the highest point of flooding, approximately 1/3 of the state-maintained roadway system was impassable. 

Local Assistance Division Manager Jodi Gibson said, “NDOT is excited that full access for locals in these communities will soon be restored. The damage to roads and bridges that we saw in 2019 was unimaginable and we are glad to see the recovery efforts in Nebraska complete.” 

United Contractors is the contractor for the project. Work will include replacing the previous bridge with an 850-foot concrete bridge and a new roadway north and south of the river. A detour will remain in place until construction completion, which is anticipated to be July 2026.

Motorists are reminded to drive cautiously in and near work zones, to buckle up, and to put phones down. 

* Wayne State announces Dean’s List students

(Posted 11:45 a.m. Jan. 31)

Wayne State College announced its Dean’s List students for the fall semester. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must take full-time course work and carry a 3.5 grade point average or better on a 4.0 scale.

Area students named to the Dean’s List at Wayne State College are:

Cameryn Goochey, Madelyn Goochey, Brandt Murphy, Kaitlyn Nelson, Makenna Pierce, Emma Sears and Zachary Welch

Makenzie Arnholt and Carson Shaw

Collin McCarthy

Brayden Almgren and Mary Hamilton

Olivia Jarman

Paige Drueke

Cailtynn Mack-Claypool

* Recent cases from Brown County Court

(Posted 11 a.m. Jan. 30)

In addition to fines, each case carries $50 in court costs

Ricardo Rodriguez Cordova, age 44, of Columbus, charged with two separate counts of speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, fined $125 for each count.

Thomas P. McGill Jr., 37, of Long Pine, speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, $125.

Glenn F. Collins, 53, of Letcher, S.D., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75; also charged with no proof of insurance, $100.

Bobby G. Lopez, 32, of Denver, Colo., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Jenna P. Belville, 37, of Valentine, speeding 21-35 mph over the limit, $200.

Carolyn A. Rayman, 25, of Ainsworth, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Lloyd W. Johnson, 44, of Berwyn, speeding 21-35 mph over the limit, $200.

Richard N. Barnett, 38, of Arvada, Colo., speeding 21-35 mph over the limit, $200.

Tyrin L. Daniels, 18, of Ainsworth, no proof of insurance, $50.

James H. Haskell, 59, of Ainsworth, assault causing bodily injury, sentenced to 50 days in jail with credit for 56 days served.

Amy B. Johnson, 41, of Denver, Colo., speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

Max E. Roberts, 15, of Tollhouse, violating a stop or yield sign, $75; failure to yield the right of way, $25.

Toby A. Grawe, 20, of Northfield, Minn., violation of Game and Parks Commission regulations, $50.

Steven D. Ritter, 28, of Casper, Wyo., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Sue A. Harthoorn, 59, of Ainsworth, speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, $125.

Trina R. Myers, 32, of Omaha, speeding 21-35 mph over the limit, $200.

John S. Reiss Jr., 37, of Omaha, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Jonah G. Firezar, 19, of Vining, Minn., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Daniel L. Lurz, 64, of Beemer, speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

Britney A. Lewis, 24, of Ainsworth, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Sean L. Zahradnicek, 55, of North Platte, improper or defective vehicle lighting, $25; no valid registration, $25.

Ethan M. Enholm, 20, of Lee’s Summit, Mo., failure to display the proper number of plates, $25.

Randy D. Laleff, 44, of Valentine, no proof of insurance, $75; no registration in vehicle, $25.

Matthew C. Walton, 33, of Ainsworth, no operator’s license, $75; failure to yield the right of way, $25; possession of an open alcohol container in a vehicle, $50.

Michael Rayman, 29, of Ainsworth, speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, $125.

Nicholas J. Vander Vorst, 31, of Elkhorn, speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

* Jobless rates remain low in most area counties

(Posted 2 p.m. Jan. 29)

The Nebraska Department of Labor announced Nebraska’s unemployment rate for December is 2.8 percent, seasonally adjusted. The rate is unchanged from the November rate and is up 0.3 percentage points from the December 2023 rate of 2.5 percent.

Nebraska’s rate is ranked fifth lowest in the nation. South Dakota maintains its grip on the lowest jobless rate in the country at 1.9 percent in December. Vermont is second with a rate of 2.4 percent, followed by North Dakota at 2.5 percent, New Hampshire at 2.6 percent and Nebraska.

The highest unemployment rate in the country again belonged to Nevada in December at 5.7 percent. California has the second highest rate at 5.5 percent, followed by Kentucky and Illinois at 5.2 percent and Michigan at 5 percent.

Brown County’s December unemployment rate was just below the statewide average at 2.7 percent. Rock County enjoyed the lowest unemployment rate in the area during December at 1.8 percent. That rate tied with Custer County for the second best in the state behind the 1.6 percent unemployment rate in Wheeler County.

Cherry County was among the lowest unemployment rates in the state in December at 1.9 percent, followed closely by Holt County at 2 percent and Keya Paha County at 2.1 percent.

Boyd County’s December rate was just above the statewide average at 2.9 percent. Blaine County had the highest unemployment rate in the area in December at 3.8 percent, which was the second highest rate in the state ahead of only neighboring Thomas County and its state-worst 4.4 percent December rate.

Total non-farm employment in Nebraska was 1,028,791 in December, down 1,582 from November but up 20,668 from December 2023. Private industries with the most growth from November to December were the trade, transportation, and utilities sector (up 2,234 jobs), the private education and health services sector (up 927 jobs); and the financial activities sector (up 542 jobs).

Private industries with the most growth during the past year were the private education and health services sector (up 7,367 jobs); the leisure and hospitality sector (up 2,341 jobs); and the  manufacturing sector (up (2,340 jobs).

“Nebraska’s labor force reached an all-time high for the second straight month at 1,059,931,” Interim Commissioner of Labor Katie Thurber said. “Our labor force has grown by over 2,000 over the month and over 4,000 over the year.” 

The counts of employed and unemployed in the labor force are based on a survey conducted by the Census Bureau regarding employment status.

The national unemployment rate for December is 4.1 percent, down 0.1 percent from the November rate and up 0.3 percentage points from the December 2023 rate of 3.8 percent.

* Miller selected as National Coach of the Year finalist

(Posted 2 p.m. Jan. 28)

The National High School Athletic Coaches Association and the Nebraska Coaches Association announced the advancement of 13 coaches as finalists for the National High School Athletic Coaches Association national coach of the year, including Stuart boys basketball coach John Miller.

The nominations were based on each coach’s career accomplishments through the 2023-2024 athletic seasons (not retired more than two years prior). 

Miller surpassed 800 career high school basketball coaching victories during the 2023-24 season, which is the most in the state’s history.

Eight finalists from across the nation in 19 sports categories will be recognized during the National Coach of the Year Awards Banquet June 25 during the NHSACA’s national convention at Rapid City, S.D. The national coach of the year in each sports category will be named during the banquet.

All Nebraska coaches were nominated the Nebraska Coaches Association.  The selection is based on career longevity, service to high school athletics, honors, championship years, and winning percentage.

Two former Nebraska coaches – Tom McCann of Kearney and Dan Sorge of Shickley – will be inducted into the national high school coaching hall of fame during the same NHSACA Convention.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 10:45 a.m. Jan. 27)

January 19

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital.

January 20

Responded to a report of a stranded motorist near 420th Ave and Highway 20.

Provided 911 phone coverage for Rock County to provide necessary updates.

January 21

Attended the gun range for academy qualifications.

Served a paper service in Ainsworth.

Issued a speeding citation for 79mph in a 65mph zone and no valid registration to a Nebraska driver near Highway 20/183 junction.

Issued a violation card to a Nebraska driver for a defective headlight near mile marker 238 on Highway 20.

January 22

Served a notice of eviction in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to pick up a flight crew at the airport.

2 Vin Inspections

2 Gun Permits

Received additional information regarding a previous adult/abuse neglect intake case.

Responded to a report an unwanted intoxicated male subject in Ainsworth.

January 23

Vin Inspection

Follow-up investigation regarding unauthorized access to a property in Ainsworth.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near Highway 183 and 880th Rd.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital.

January 24

Inmate transport for medical care.

Follow-up investigations regarding abandoned vehicle near 420th Ave and Highway 20.

Vin Inspection

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near Highway 20 and 423rd Ave.

2 Gun Permits

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Long Pine transporting one patient to the hospital.

Two paper services served in Ainsworth.

Issued written warnings for defective headlights during traffic stops on Highway 20 near mile marker 234 and 246.

Issued a citation for no valid registration to a Nebraska driver near Main and 3rd St in Long Pine.

January 25

Received a report of a reckless driver in Long Pine. 

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 20 to a Nebraska driver.

Issued a speeding citation for 49mph in a 35mph zone near 4th and Woodward St in Ainsworth to a Nebraska driver.

Weekly Log

Calls:  70

911 Calls:  5

Calls for Service:  8

Inmates Housed:  1 Boyd County Holding, 1 for Brown County

* Heart disease the leading cause of death in Nebraska

(Posted 11 a.m. Jan. 23)

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services recently released the Nebraska Vital Statistics Top Causes of Death Dashboard. Vital statistics data are fundamental to public health assessment and planning processes correlating with the overall health of the population. This dashboard includes de-identified aggregate death data between the years 2005-2023 for Nebraska resident deaths. Deaths that occurred within Nebraska to non-Nebraska residents are not included in the data.

Heart disease was the top killer in the state in from 2023-24, with 3,840 resident deaths attributed to some form of heart disease. Cancer was the second-leading cause of death, with 3,667 cancer deaths reported. Heart disease and cancer were each responsible for more than three times the number of deaths of the third-leading cause, chronic lower respiratory diseases at 1,042.

Accidents or unintentional injuries were the fourth leading cause of death during the period with 878, followed by stroke (833), Alzheimer’s disease (721), Diabetes (579) and hypertension (369). Parkinson’s disease (316) and Septicemia (299) rounded out the top 10 leading causes of death in Nebraska between 2023-24.

The next five leading causes of death during the reporting period were liver disease, suicide, Covid-19, kidney disease and influenza/pneumonia and all had fewer than 300 deaths reported in the state during the reporting period.

“This data tells us a lot about the overall population health and wellness in Nebraska. Knowing the top causes of death supports the development of effective public health prevention efforts to increase public awareness, watch for and address new trends, support medical research, and work to improve health outcomes for our high-risk populations,” said Charity Menefee, Director of the Division of Public Health. “This dashboard is a key resource for the people of Nebraska, our medical community, researchers, and health departments to help foster healthier Nebraskans and families and stronger, more informed communities.”

The dashboard allows results to be filtered by geographic (state, local health department, behavioral health region, and urban/rural) and demographic (age, gender, and race/ethnicity) characteristics. Users can combine multiple years of data, examine trends over time, and explore data in charts, tables, and maps.

* Board approves resolution opposing EID tags

(Posted 2:15 p.m. Jan. 22)

The Brown County Commissioners on Tuesday approved a non-binding resolution opposing mandatory electronic ID tags for cattle in Nebraska after a request from a resident.

Roland Paddock, representing the Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska and R-CALF, told the commissioners those organizations are requesting county governments sign the resolution to show there is opposition to the USDA mandate in cattle-producing counties in the state.

“This has been attempted before, and the grassroots producers are not in favor,” Paddock said. “Wyoming and South Dakota have passed laws making the EID tags voluntary instead of mandatory.”

Paddock said the Cherry County Commissioners had already approved the resolution against the mandate, and the request would be in front of numerous other county boards soon.

“We are hoping to give state senators the courage to stand up against the feds by having counties approve this resolution,” Paddock said.

Paddock said there has also been a lawsuit filed against the USDA to stop the mandatory implementation of the electronic tags.

Paddock said the traditional methods for identifying cattle ownership, including brands, have been effective for centuries.

County Attorney Andy Taylor told the commissioners signing the resolution was not binding in any way, that it just demonstrated the county’s opinion on the issue.

Board Chairman Dennis Bauer asked Paddock if any of the cattle organizations supported the electronic ID tags. Paddock said the Nebraska Cattlemen have come out in favor.

Bauer said, “I don’t think we need more federal regulations. This is not a safety or health issue.”

By a 2-1 vote with Bauer and newly seated Commissioner Don Painter in favor and Commissioner Jeremiah Dailey against, the board approved signing the resolution opposing the EID tags.

In other business Tuesday, the commissioners held their annual reorganization, with Bauer reappointed as the chair of the board and Dailey appointed the vice chair.

Committee assignments will remain the same as 2024, with Painter replacing former Commissioner Buddy Small as the county’s representative on the Niobrara Council, the KBR Solid Waste Board and the Region 4 Behavioral Health Board.

Painter said, “If you want to assert me on the committees where Buddy was, that is fine with me.”

Dailey said he was fine with remaining on his current committees.

The board approved the Ainsworth Star-Journal as its official publication for legal notices, with the county’s web site and KBRB Radio as official sites for promoting county business.

The commissioners approved 14 holidays in accordance with the federal holiday schedule.

Board meetings will remain the first and third Tuesdays of each month, with Board of Equalization meetings at 1 p.m. followed by regular meetings at 1:15 p.m.

The board approved West Plains Bank, Homestead Bank, Union Bank & Trust, NPAIT and NFIT as official depositories for county funds.

The board reviewed but opted not to make any changes to the county’s tuition reimbursement policy for current employees. The policy allows 50 percent tuition reimbursement of up to $1,500 per semester for county employees to further their education. The employee must keep a 3.0 or better grade-point average and is required to continue employment with the county for at least two years or the tuition reimbursement funding must be repaid to the county.

The commissioners acknowledged the IRS mileage reimbursement rate of 70 cents per mile for employees who use their personal vehicles for county business. The rate is up from 67 cents per mile in 2024.

The board approved a 2025 lawn service contract with Paulson Lawn Service in the amount of $8,000 for maintenance and watering of the courthouse yard and park. Taylor said the terms and the rate are the same as the 2024 contract with the company.

Bauer said Paulson does a good job maintaining the courthouse grounds.

The board approved allowing Kristin Olson with the North Central Development Center to proceed with a 2026 Byrne Jag Grant application on behalf of the Brown County Sheriff’s Department. Bauer said the grant application was similar to a grant the sheriff’s department pursued last year but was through a different funding entity.

During his report, Highway Superintendent Kenny Turpin said he had attended a bridge training workshop and there may be a move to have only certified engineers handle future bridge inspections instead of only requiring an inspector to be certified.

Turpin said, since he is certified, he handles bridge inspections for the county and his work is reviewed by the state.

“In the future, they may push people like me out and force counties to have engineers perform the inspections,” Turpin said.

Turpin told the board he had spoken to representatives from Permazyme on a potential refund for the binding material the county used on a 1-mile stretch of Meadville Avenue. The stretch became extremely muddy and rutted following a substantial rain in November. Turpin said he would like to give the product a little more time and see how it holds up after another rain.

“I feel like maybe we are pulling the plug early,” the highway superintendent said. “After another rain, if it turns to mud and ruts like it did the first time, then we will definitely ask for our money back.”

Turpin said he would like to have additional crack sealing work done this year on paved roads in the county, and he planned to go out for bids for armor coating work soon. He said Dan Osborne, the previous foreman of TopKote, was now working with Midwest Coatings after Topkote closed.

“He did a good job for us,” Turpin said of Osborne. He said the company would likely put in a bid on the county’s armor coating work.

Turpin requested the commissioners allow him to update the heaters in the Johnstown and Ainsworth roads shops. He said parts are getting hard to come by to repair the current heating systems in both shops. He said he would like to use infrared tubes like the department has in the Long Pine shop.

The next meeting of the Brown County Commissioners is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Feb. 4.

* Area students selected for UNK honor band, choir

(Posted 5:45 a.m. Jan. 22)

The University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance will welcome 558 music students from 101 high schools across Nebraska for the annual Honor Band & Choral Clinic on Monday, Jan. 27.

The day-long event, held on the UNK campus, brings together young musicians to collaborate and learn under the guidance of UNK faculty and renowned educators from across the state and nation. Participants will rehearse throughout the day in preparation for two public concerts at the Health & Sports Center.

The first performance, starting at 5:30 p.m., will feature the UNK Wind Ensemble, Festival Band and Honor Band. The second concert, at 7 p.m., will spotlight the UNK Choraleers, Treble Choir, Festival Choir and Honor Choir.

Clinicians leading the rehearsals include Duane Bierman, professor of music and director of bands at UNK, who will direct the Honor Band; Erin Beave, former band director at Hastings High School, directing the Festival Band; John Petzet, associate professor of music and director of choirs at UNK, leading the Honor Choir; and Cal Cross and Molly Gonring, choir directors from Elkhorn South High School, directing the Festival and Honor Choirs respectively.

“This event is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to enhance their musical skills while experiencing the energy and expertise of our faculty and guest clinicians,” said Brian Alber, associate professor of music and one of the event organizers.

Area students selected to perform include:


William Biltoft, Emma McMurtrey, Erick Hitchcock, Colby Beegle, Jordan Beatty, Grace Goodwin, Jodie Denny and Miranda Phares

Rock County

Mia Heyden and Shelby Connell

West Holt

Emersyn Mlady, Ava Hoffman, Peyton Olberding, Claire Sholes, Elizabeth Olson and Aila Nowlin


Titus Maunu, Jocelyn Jordan, Praise Maunu, Rylie Sexson, Devlin Welch, Marybelle Ward, Evelyn Rolfe, Sari LaDeaux and Neeley Cronin

* Bomb threat called in to theater Saturday

(Posted noon Jan. 20)

Law enforcement and fire personnel responded to Ainsworth’s Grand Theater Saturday just prior to the scheduled showtime after someone called the theater threatening that a bomb was in the building.

A call was received by the Grand Theater at 6:41 p.m. Saturday. Theater representative Kathy Klammer said the caller indicated there was a bomb in the women’s restroom. She said the theater volunteers evacuated the theater and called 911.

According to Brown County Sheriff Brent Deibler, law enforcement was notified of the call at 6:45 p.m. Saturday and had an officer on scene at 6:50 p.m. as the theater was evacuated.

Deibler said the Ainsworth Volunteer Fire Department established a perimeter around the theater. The sheriff notified the Nebraska State Patrol’s bomb tech coordinator.

The building was then searched. Deibler said nothing was found and the scene was cleared. He said the incident appears to be a “Swatting” incident, when someone calls in a threat or other situation that prompts a large emergency response.

In addition to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department and Ainsworth Volunteer Fire Department, the Rock County Sheriff’s Department and Nebraska State Patrol provided assistance at the scene.

Deibler said the sheriff’s department and Nebraska State Patrol are investigating the incident and will work to determine the source of the call.

“We want to figure out who did this, and hold them accountable,” Deibler said.

Klammer said anyone who was in the theater Saturday when it was evacuated can receive a pass to attend another showtime.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 10:45 a.m. Jan. 20)

January 12

The Brown County Ambulance responded to two 911 calls in Ainsworth, transporting one patient to the hospital on each trip.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to an Omaha hospital.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to pick up a flight crew from the airport and take to the hospital to pick up a patient.

Responded to a report of a male subject in a mental health crisis.

January 13

Three burn permits were issued on this day.

Completed a set of fingerprint cards for a Brown County resident.

Received a report of a female subject as a victim of adult/abuse neglect.  Written statements were received, and a report was filed with the Department of Health and Human Services for their assistance.

Inmate transport for medical care.

Served two papers in Ainsworth.

Responded to a vehicle accident on Main St in Ainsworth.  The vehicle was struck while parked in front of a business.  No injuries were reported.

Responded to a hit and run accident report in Long Pine.  No injuries were reported.  A female subject was issued a written warning for leaving the scene of an accident and failure to furnish info.

January 14

Three burn permits were issued on this day.

Transported an Ainsworth man to the Nebraska Department of Corrections after he was sentenced in District Court.

Provided courtroom security.

Served a paper in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to pick up a flight crew from the airport.

Attended a meeting with other local agencies regarding interstate intel.

January 15

Provided courtroom security.

Responded to a report from an Ainsworth resident on Elsmere Road alleging a cow was shot.  This is an ongoing investigation.

Responded to a report from an Ainsworth resident regarding stolen frozen meat on Elsmere Road.  This is an ongoing investigation.

Released a subject from the Brown County Jail after serving 56 days for a failure to appear warrant for an initial charge of assault.

Traffic stop on Highway 7 resulted in a citation issued for speeding 80mph in a 65mph zone to a motorist.

Attended an NC911 meeting in Ainsworth with other agencies in our 911 region.

Responded to a report of suspicious activity near the 1st and Pine Street intersection.  No criminal activity was found, the vehicle was parked illegally temporarily to unload materials.

Received a report regarding a phone scam stating the female subject owed money.  The reporter was encouraged to report to the Nebraska Attorney General fraud line.

Responded to a report of an intoxicated male subject dropped off at a hotel.  The male subject was later found to be near East City Park and was transported home.

January 16

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth, transporting one patient to the hospital.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to pick up a flight crew from the airport.

Traffic stop near 4th and Ash Street in Ainsworth issued a warning to a driver for no license plate.

January 17

Responded to a report of domestic disturbance on Meadville Ave.  Parties were separated upon arrival and an Ainsworth resident was issued a minor in possession of alcohol citation.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near 879th Ave and Highway 183.

Received a report regarding theft of pivot parts north of the Airport.  This is an ongoing investigation.

Responded to a report of suspicious activity approximately 25 miles south of Long Pine.  The Brown County Sheriff’s office later made contact in Ainsworth with the reported vehicle and three male occupants and were found to be selling lightning rods and a sub-contractor crew of a local construction business.

Inmate transport for medical care.

Received a report of a phone scam where caller was asking for the reporter to purchase gift cards.  Reported was encouraged to contact the Nebraska Attorney General fraud line.

Follow-up investigation regarding a report of domestic disturbance.  An Ainsworth subject was issued a citation for procuring alcohol to a minor.

During a traffic stop near mile marker 24, a driver was issued a citation for speeding 80mph in a 65mph zone.

January 18

 Attended a central Nebraska special response team training in Elba.

Raven Fire Department was paged to a report of a runaway trash fire approximately 13 miles south of Ainsworth.

Responded to a report of a bomb threat at the Ainsworth Theatre.  No criminal activity was found at this time, and the building was found to be secure.  This is an ongoing investigation.

Responded to a report of a domestic disturbance on North Main Street.  A male party was asked to leave the premises.

Booked a subject into the Brown County Jail after they were extradited from Missouri on a Brown County warrant. 

Weekly Log

Calls: 106

911 Calls: 9

Calls for Service: 12

Handgun Purchase Permits: 1

Inmates Housed: 2

* Brown County Commissioners Tuesday agenda

(Posted 1:45 p.m. Jan. 19)

Brown County Commissioners
Meeting 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21
Brown County Courthouse

1:15                             Roll Call.

Approve minutes of the 1-7-2025 and the regular meeting.

Kenneth Turpin Road Department update

Tuition Reimbursement Policy – Board

Open Reorganization meeting: D/A Reorganization meeting – Official Banks, Radio, Newspaper, Website; Set 2025 Holiday dates, BOE and Commissioner meeting dates, appoint Commissioner Chairman & Vice Chairman, appoint county surveyor, appoint County Highway Superintendent and committee representatives – Clerk

Resolution – Opposition to Mandatory Electronic I.D. (MEID) Livestock tags – Roland Paddock

Review/Approve ACH Direct Deposit forms with Homestead Bank – Clerk

Update contact/administration name on credit card – Clerk

Kristin Olson – Authorize to apply for 2016 Byrne Jag Grant for the Sheriff’s Office – Olson

Acknowledge mileage rate for 2025 of $0.70 per mile – Clerk

1:30      Jerry Paulson – Lawn Service Contract

Approve Claims

* Schroder receives degree from UNMC

(Posted 10:30 a.m. Jan. 15)

Diplomas were conferred on nearly 400 University of Nebraska Medical Center students on Dec. 20.

Among the students graduating from UNMC is Ashley Schroder of Stuart, who received a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the UNMC College of Nursing Omaha Division.

* NCTA names fall Dean’s List students

(Posted 10:15 a.m. Jan. 15)

Fall Dean’s List students have been announced by the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis.

Area students named to the Dean’s List with a grade point average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale include Airyan Goochey of Johnstown and Courtney McCarthy of Newport.

* Brown County District Court proceedings

(Posted 5:45 a.m. Jan. 15)

During Brown County District Court Tuesday, Shannon Trust N. Tripp, 44, of Ainsworth, appeared for sentencing after having been previously found guilty of first degree false imprisonment, a Class 3A felony.

Tripp was sentenced to 18 months in the Nebraska Department of Corrections.

* Hafer discusses Monday School Board meeting

(Posted 10:45 a.m. Jan. 14)

Ainsworth Community Schools Superintendent Dale Hafer appeared on KBRB’s Open Line program Tuesday to discuss the action taken during Monday’s Board of Education meeting.

Hafer discussed a recent national breach of the Power School software utilized by the school. If there are any issues, patrons will be notified.

The superintendent also discussed items affecting schools that will likely be debated this year in the Nebraska Legislature.

* Storer discusses opening week of Legislature

(Posted 3 p.m. Jan. 13)

Nebraska 43rd District State Sen. Tanya Storer visited with KBRB’s Graig Kinzie, discussing her committee assignments, bills she has introduced and hot topics she expects the body to tackle during the 90-day session.

The conversation is can be heard below.

* Ainsworth Library receives 5-year accreditation

(Posted 2 p.m. Jan. 13)

Nebraska Library Commission Library Development Director Christa Porter announced the accreditation of 38 public libraries across Nebraska, including the Ainsworth Public Library.

Porter said, “We are dedicated to helping Nebraska libraries meet Nebraskans’ information needs, opening up the world of information for citizens of all ages. The Library Commission continues to work in partnership with Nebraska libraries and the regional library systems, using the Public Library Accreditation program to help public libraries grow and develop.”

Public libraries in Nebraska are accredited for a five-year period.

The Nebraska Library Commission congratulates the accredited public libraries as they move forward toward the realization of the commission’s vision for the future that: “All Nebraskans will have improved access to enhanced library and information services, provided and facilitated by qualified library personnel, boards, and supporters with the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes necessary to provide excellent library and information services.”

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 1:15 p.m. Jan. 13)

January 5

Assisted non-county resident for welfare check on adult family member. Adult asked to get into contact with the requesting party.

Notice of 2 control burns near Long Pine and Johnstown.

Assisted local business regarding an accidental gas drive-off.  Party agreed to return to pay for their fuel.

Assisted non-county resident with local 511 road conditions.

Citation issued for speeding to a motorist in Ainsworth.

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

January 6

Notice of 7 burn permits issued throughout Brown County.

Verbal warning given for speeding on Highway 20.

Received request for assistance on a civil matter and was referred to contact an attorney.

Officer assisted with report of harassment.

January 7

Notice of 2 burn permits issued for today.

Booked an inmate into the Brown County Jail on a Bench Warrant.

Released inmate on bond from Brown County Jail

Provided civil standby for resident to collect their belongings.

Verbal warning issued for no headlights.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to page in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the Brown County Hospital.

January 8

Notice of 2 burn permits issued for today.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to page in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the Brown County Hospital.

Officer assisted with report of stolen long gun and trespassing.

Officers responded to 911 call received at Ainsworth address.  The caller was found to be safe and was determined to be a pocket dial.

Received confirmation of Warrant pickup in Missouri for a Brown County Bench Warrant. Inmate awaiting extradition.

Officers contact the party to a harassment report. 

Issued citation for speeding on Highway 20.

Responded to report of someone walking along Highway 20.  A person was found safe and just taking a stroll.

Officer served papers to Ainsworth resident.

Officer issued a violation card for an expired license and no proof of insurance. Proof of insurance was later provided to an officer at Brown County Sheriff’s office.

Assisted caller with complaint regarding posts on Facebook.  The caller was advised to contact Facebook to report the posts in question.

January 9

Notice of 2 burn permits issued for today.

Officers delivered paper service for two residents of Brown County. Unable to locate a third at this time.

Assisted Norfolk Police Department to contact a Brown County resident regarding a minor fender bender in Norfolk.

Officers responded to a report of harassment by unwanted physical touching.

Officers able to locate and dispatch a wounded deer east of Ainsworth near the Long Pine hills.

January 10

Notice of 8 burn permits issued for today.

Lost property found at Ainsworth Community Schools.  Attempting to locate owner from Lincoln.

Holding inmate for Boyd Co on DUI charges.

Officers made a welfare check on Ainsworth resident.  Found to be safe at home.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to two pages in Ainsworth and transported two patients to the Brown County Hospital.

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 7.

Officer issued a citation for improper passing in Ainsworth.

Fingerprint cards processed for local resident.

Officer made traffic stop for missing plates.  Found to be a recent purchase with in-transit posted in windshield.

Assisted local Ainsworth resident with question regarding licensure of pet. Advised to license with City of Ainsworth.

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Officer issued citation for speeding on Highway 20.

Officer issued citation for expired registration in Ainsworth.

January 11

The Brown County Ambulance responded to three separate pages in Ainsworth and transported two patients to the Brown County Hospital.  A 3rd individual refused transport.

Report of 1 burn permit issued in Brown County today.

Officers provided traffic control for a funeral in Ainsworth.

Paper service delivered to 2 residents in Ainsworth.  Another Brown County resident not yet located.

Officer issued citation for speeding on Highway 20.

Officer issued warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Long Pine Rural Fire Department responded to a chimney fire in Long Pine. No injuries reported.

Received a report of driver locked out of vehicle.  Phone numbers for locksmith provided to caller.

Officer issued citation for speeding and misuse of school permit on Highway 20.

Motorist assistance provided on Meadville Ave.

Weekly Log

Calls: 112

911 Calls: 11

Calls for Service: 11

Vin Inspections: 6

Handgun Purchase Permits: 9

Inmates Housed: 2

* Council votes to equalize care center funding with county

(Posted 9:30 a.m. Jan. 9)

The Ainsworth City Council on Wednesday approved making a payment to the Sandhills Care Center and requesting those funds be reimbursed to Brown County so the two entities’ funding to the facility are equalized.

During December’s council meeting, Brown County Commissioner Dennis Bauer requested the council either make an $80,000 contribution to the Sandhills Care Center or reimburse Brown County $40,000 since the county had contributed $80,000 more to the care center than the city. The two entities jointly own and operate the Sandhills Care Center and the agreement states that each entity provides an equal amount of funding to the facility.

Mayor Joel Klammer said Councilman Brad Fiala was not present for December’s discussion and was the only current member who was on the council years ago when the care center was in a poor financial spot and the city and county were holding joint meetings to work toward keeping the facility open.

Fiala said it was his recollection that the two entities at the time had decided their normal $80,000 annual contribution would not be enough and the care center would require additional funding to remain open.

Fiala said, at that time, the city and county agreed to each provide $125,000 to the care center. Fiala said it was his understanding that the $125,000 contribution made by each entity was a replacement for the annual $80,000 payment, not in addition to that payment.

Bauer, who was in attendance Wednesday, said that was not quite how he remembered the discussion between the city and county.

“I thought we had a gentlemen’s agreement that we would each kick in another $80,000 but the city did not have that on its agenda at the time,” Bauer said. “We contributed the additional $80,000 on the understanding that the city would as well because the $80,000 we were putting in would probably not be enough. It was our understanding the council was going to put it on its next agenda, and that didn’t happen.”

City Administrator Lisa Schroedl said, at the time, she as treasurer for the care center had received an additional $80,000 check from the county and knew the city had not agreed to provide that additional amount.

She said at that time, in an effort not to cause future problems, she contacted Commissioner Buddy Small to let him know the City Council had not approved the additional $80,000 in funding. Schroedl said Small, who was on the Care Center Board at the time, indicated to her that the care center needed the money.

“He came and got the check and took it to the care center,” Schroedl said.

Bauer said the decision not to deposit the county’s check into the care center’s interlocal account was made by the treasurer and not the City Council or commissioners.

Schroedl said, “I was trying at the time to prevent the conversation we are having now because I knew the city had not agreed to that additional $80,000.”

Fiala said the city could either not do anything, it could reimburse the county for half of the additional $80,000 the county contributed, or the city could make an $80,000 payment to the care center to equalize the funding.

“I don’t think we owe anything, but we have to work together to move forward and keep the nursing home viable,” Fiala said. “Is $40,000 or $80,000 worth the headache?”

Councilman Kent Taylor asked if the city would need to wait until the next budget year to reimburse the county since the city did not include any funding for the nursing home in its current budget.

Schroedl said the city was basically taking money away from the streets and parks departments when it was previously making its contributions to the care center prior to the bond issue passing and the facility receiving additional property tax dollars.

Taylor said he was on the City Council when the city and county agreed to take ownership of the building and operate a nursing home.

“This has been quite a process,” Taylor said. “To see where we are now, it worked out and we are in a good spot. This is the good political thing to do, but in the future we need to be on the same page.”

Bauer said the county would never assume anything going forward and would make sure any agreements are in action form by each entity.

With the facility in a more solid financial position currently, the council unanimously approved making a $38,467 payment to the Sandhills Care Center with the intent that the care center then pay that amount to the county, as the city determined it likely could not provide a direct payment to the county.

In other business Wednesday, concerned citizens and the Brown County sheriff met with the council asking if it would provide a letter of support to the Nebraska Department of Transportation to reduce the speed limits on Highway 20 and Highway 7 on the approaches into the city.

Resident Todd Flynn said a number of parties met for a Zoom call with the Nebraska Department of Transportation Nov. 18 to express concern for the speed limits entering the city.

Flynn said, after that meeting, NDOT District Engineer Mark Kovar requested the city and county weigh in on the speed limit issue.

“I wanted it on the agenda so people could express any concerns,” Flynn said.

Klammer asked if the consensus of the group was to see the speed limits lowered on Highway 20 from the east and west and on Highway 7 from the south.

Sheriff Brent Deibler said the group has suggested to the NDOT that the speed limit be 35 mph on Highway 20 from each end of the new concrete and then be 45 mph east to the Evangelical Free Church and west from the new concrete.

Deibler said the group would also like to see the speed limit on Highway 7 be reduced to 25 mph south past Cottonwood Villa, then reduced to 35 mph to the next intersection.

The sheriff said the county was working on reducing the speed limit on Meadville Avenue to 35 mph north of the canal and asked the city to reduce the speed limit on Meadville Avenue to 25 mph from the Highway 20 intersection to the north end of the city limits.

“I received several letters I have forwarded to NDOT,” Deibler said. “I ask the council to support the request. It is just too fast now.”

Fiala said the No. 1 issue for emergency responders and law enforcement was getting the speed limits reduced.

Taylor said he thought it was a great idea to slow down traffic on the approaches to the city.

Councilman Dustin Barthel said he would also like to see a no passing zone extended past the entrances to businesses and residences just east of Ainsworth.

“There have been times when I have been coming out of our driveway when someone is passing going east and have about wrecked,” Barthel said.

Brown County Emergency Manager Traci Booth said she had applied for flashing speed signs similar to those motorists see when they enter other communities like Atkinson and had been approved for nine signs for Brown and Rock counties.

Local entities will be responsible for purchasing and maintaining the solar-powered signs, but the NDOT will place the signs.

The council approved having the mayor send a letter of support for lowering the speed limits to the NDOT.

Councilwoman Heather Lutter asked that the Meadville Avenue speed limit be placed on the council’s February agenda to begin the process of lowering the speed limit from Highway 20 to the north edge of city limits.

In other action items Wednesday, the council approved a special designated liquor license request for the Sandhills Lounge to serve alcohol from 3 p.m. Jan. 25 until 1 a.m. Jan. 26 in the Ainsworth Conference Center for the annual chamber gala.

Klammer said there have not been any problems in the past with the event.

The council approved the mayor’s recommended appointment of Bob Maxwell to fill a vacancy on the Ainsworth Airport Authority. Maxwell’s six-year term expires Dec. 1, 2030.

The mayor also recommended both County Attorney Andy Taylor and City Attorney Michael Sholes serve as prosecuting attorneys for the city. Klammer said appointing both attorneys will give the city additional flexibility. The council approved both attorneys as city prosecutors.

The council tabled an LB 840 application regarding $90,000 for professional recruitment. Schroedl said LB 840 Attorney Heather Sikyta would provide written recommendations on the application next week for the council to then consider.

The next meeting of the Ainsworth City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. Feb. 12.

* Commissioners vote to pursue road vacation

(Posted 1:30 p.m. Jan. 8)

The Brown County Commissioners on Tuesday directed Highway Superintendent Kenny Turpin to proceed with studying the potential vacation of a portion of a dedicated county road.

The road is located in the southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 30 North, Range 22 West. Turpin said there is county road right of way near a new shop that is being constructed by Tonny Beck.

A petition with 15 signatures was submitted to the county requesting the road vacation. Turpin said he did not see any issue with vacating the road, as the county does not currently maintain a road at the site and vacating it would potentially reduce county liability. Turpin said Beck indicated that any neighboring property owners who needed to use the site would still have access.

The board, with Commissioner Buddy Small absent Tuesday, approved having Turpin begin the process of vacating the road, which will include a traffic study and a report to the commissioners as well as a public hearing.

In other roads items Tuesday, Turpin reported the roads department had cleaned snow and ice off the paved roads in the county and had salted and sanded hilly areas.

After indicating he planned to purchase crushed concrete from the Ainsworth Main Street renovation project, Turpin said, upon inspection of the material, he believed it was better for the county to stay away from it.

“The crushed concrete has quite a bit of wire mesh in it so I don’t think we will end up buying it,” the highway superintendent said.

Commissioner Dennis Bauer said using crushed concrete with wire had the potential to cause flat tires for motorists. He agreed the county should not purchase the material.

Turpin reported he visited with the Rock County Commissioners regarding the potential for a grant to cover 80 percent of the cost of replacing the McCullough bridge shared by the two counties.

Turpin said the Rock County Commissioners indicated they were in favor of him pursuing the grant. Each county would be responsible for 10 percent of the cost of the replacement, which Turpin estimated would be around $55,000 for each county.

Bauer asked Turpin for a progress update on getting a reduced speed sign placed on Meadville Avenue just north of the Ainsworth city limits.

Turpin said the engineer the county hired to conduct the study of the site had still not completed the work.

“The engineer kind of forgot about it,” Turpin said. “If he doesn’t get it done soon we will get someone else to do it.”

In other business, the commissioners approved making a transfer of $62,450 from the Brown County Ambulance fund to the debt services ambulance building fund and authorized Treasurer Bruce Mitchell to wire a payment in the same amount for the ambulance barn bond.

The board approved declaring Thursday, Jan. 9, as a holiday following both a federal and state declaration for the funeral of former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th President who died in late December.

Clerk Travee Hobbs said District Court will be in session so her office would be open Thursday.

The board approved tuition reimbursement of up to $1,500 for county employee Zach Welch in accordance with county policy. The board will review the county’s tuition reimbursement policy during its Jan. 21 meeting.

Erin Painter introduced herself to the board as the managing editor in training for the Ainsworth Star-Journal. The board thanked Painter for agreeing to move back to Ainsworth to help keep the newspaper publishing.

In a final action item, the board approved the reappointment of Matt Swanson to the Brown County Planning Commission for a three-year term.

Jacob Graff of Hastings presented the commissioners with information on a Globe Life supplemental insurance policy. Graff said there would be no additional paperwork or requirements of the county other than providing employees with the information on the plan options.

Graff said Globe Life offers policies similar to other supplemental insurance providers but has a return of premium feature if the policy is not utilized by the policyholder.

The board agreed to provide county employees with the information. Any employees interested would be responsible for contacting Graff to set up a policy.

With County Attorney Andy Taylor not present Tuesday, the commissioners did not enter into executive session to discuss pending litigation against the county regarding a dispute over the amount of damages awarded to neighboring property owners for the construction of a new road to isolated property in southwestern Brown County.

The commissioners reviewed the response Taylor planned to submit to the District Court judge.

The next meeting of the Brown County Commissioners is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Jan. 21, when Don Painter will join the board after being elected in November.

* Ainsworth City Council Wednesday agenda

(Posted 5:30 a.m. Jan. 8)

Ainsworth City Council meeting
5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 8
Ainsworth Conference Center

  • Call to Order
  • I. Routine Business
    • Announcement of Open Meetings Act
    • Roll Call
    • Pledge of Allegiance
  • II. Consent Agenda – All items approved with the passage of one motion
    • Approve minutes from the December 11, 2024 regular meeting
    • Approval of claims
    • Treasurer’s report
    • Department head reports
  • III. Mayor’s Appointments and Report
    • Mayor’s Report
    • Mayor’s Appointments
      • Airport Authority (6-year term):  Appointment of Bob Maxwell to fill the vacant seat with term ending 12/1/2030
      • Appointment of Michael Sholes and Andy Taylor as prosecuting attorneys for the City of Ainsworth
  • IV. Public Hearings
    • None
  • V. Old Business
    • Care Center funding – Denny Bauer, Brown County Commissioner 
  • VI. Regular Agenda
    • Consider a Special Designated Liquor License for the Sandhills Lounge for the Chamber Gala to be held at the Ainsworth Conference Center from 3:00 p.m. January 25, 2025 to 1:00 a.m. January 26, 2025
    • Discuss and consider a request for a letter from the City of Ainsworth to the Nebraska Department of Transportation regarding speed limit signage – Todd Flynn
    • Discuss and consider additional information for LB840 application #24-06 – professional recruitment in the amount of $90,000
    • City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer Report

* NSAA recognizes fall Academic All-State winners

(Posted 7:30 a.m. Jan. 7)

The Nebraska School Activities Association announced the recipients of the fall Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association Academic All-State Awards. Since 2006, the NSAA awards program has recognized students who meet the criteria for nomination by their school in the season of their activity.

Each year the NSAA and the NCPA recognize students during the fall, winter, and spring seasons who are nominated by their schools for their individual academic excellence, leadership, and significant contributions in their NSAA activity.

Area students named Academic All-State by the NSAA for the fall activities season are:

Jonathan Strand in boys cross country, Emma Kennedy and Kiley Orton in girls cross country, Chris Fernandez and Sam Titus in football, Jordan Beatty and Jaden Lee in girls golf, Erick Hitchcock and Kiley Orton in play production, and Jaylee Good and Megan Jones in volleyball

Keya Paha County
Nathaniel Frick in boys cross country, Angela Frick in girls cross country, and Brenna Caulfield in play production

Rock County
Andrew Rowan in boys cross country, Branson Anderson and Chase Gewecke in football, and Sydney Hoffman and Bridget Lewis in volleyball

Luke Ludwig in boys cross country, Benjamin Paxton and Hunter Tubbs in football, Maddux Alder and Benjamin Paxton in play production, and Addisyn Ketteler and Reagan Stracke in volleyball

West Holt
Ava Hoffman and Kearsten Keogh in girls cross country, Mason Crumrine and Drake Nemetz in football, Brooklynn Butterfield in girls golf, Abigail Dunn and Drake Nemetz in play production, and Ainsley Galyen and Avery Nemetz in volleyball

Connor Sutton in boys cross country, Caden Zutavern in football, Rylyn Moody and Connor Sutton in play production, and Ella Held in volleyball

Boyd County
Will Nelson in boys cross country, Kaci Koenig in girls cross country, Peyton Wickersham in football, Addison Birmeier and Brooklyn Eckert in play production, and Elizabeth Bernt and Claire Reiman in volleyball

Landen Mooney and Deklin Titus in boys cross country, Dominic Beebout and John Fulton in football, Tierney Miller and Marybelle Ward in girls golf, Jenalee Garwood and Titus Maunu in play production, and Kimber McGinley and Cadence Swanson in volleyball

* Area students named to UNK Dean’s List

(Posted 6:30 a.m. Jan. 7)

The University of Nebraska at Kearney announced students who earned a place on the dean’s list for the fall 2024 semester.

Students who are on the dean’s list must have completed 12 credit hours or more of classes with a 3.5 grade-point average or better on a 4.0 scale.

Area students named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester are:

Johnstown – CeeAnna Beel

Bassett – Mason Hagan

Wood Lake – Holden Mundorf

Stuart – Cory Gubbels, Addie Karo, Jordyn Laible and Lacey Paxton

Atkinson – Alexis Monasterio, Kelcie Osborne, Jack Hoffman and Sidney Burkinshaw

Purdum – Becca Smith and Elizabeth Smith

Valentine – Mekallyn Bancroft, Logan Muirhead, Rhiannon Painter and Elliana Springer

Halsey – Courtney Swisher

* Brown County Commissioners Tuesday agenda

(Posted 4 p.m. Jan. 6)

Brown County Commissioners
Meeting 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7
Brown County Courthouse

Roll Call

Resolution to transfer $62,450.00 from Ambulance Fund to Debt Services Ambulance Building –

Approval to wire Ambulance Barn Bond Payment – Treasurer

Kenneth Turpin Road Department update

Petition to vacate road in the Southwest ¼ of Sec 21, Twp 30N, R22W       – Turpin          

Resolution to re-appoint Matt Swanson to the Brown County Planning Commission – Tom Jones

Update on Ainsworth Star Journal remaining open for County publications. County selling Plat Maps – Clerk

January 9, 2025, State holiday – Taylor

Tuition Reimbursement for Zach Welch – Welch

Jacob Graff – Globe Life – Family Heritage presentation – Graff

Approve Claims


Public Comment

Executive Session to discuss District Court case number CI 24-43 Hathshire Berkaway v Brown County Board – Taylor


* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 9:30 a.m. Jan. 6)

December 29

The Brown County Ambulance responded to different pages in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital on each run.

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Responded to a report of construction debris dumped on a county roadway near 437th Ave and 879th Rd. 

December 30

Two papers served in Ainsworth.

Follow-up investigation regarding an intake for child abuse/neglect from Department of Health and Human Services.

December 31

Responded to an abandoned vehicle report along Highway 20, near mile marker 247. 

Issued a written warning for defective headlights and no operator license on person.

January 1

Responded to a report of an assault in Ainsworth.  A male subject was later issued a citation for Assault 1st Degree and booked into the Brown County Jail. 

Responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle on Highway 7.  The vehicle owner was issued a citation for expired plates and invoiced for damage that occurred to a roadway sign.

January 2

The Brown County Ambulance responded to two different pages in Ainsworth, transporting one patient to the hospital each run.

Issued a violation card for defective headlights during a traffic stop on Highway 7.

January 3

The Brown County Ambulance transported a flight crew from the airport to the hospital.

Participated with the Ainsworth Community Schools and Brown County Ambulance on a cardiac event training.

Responded to a report of suspicious activity near North Main Street in Ainsworth on an abandoned property.  No criminal activity was found at this time.

Responded to vehicle accident in Ainsworth.  No injuries were reported, and minimal damage occurred to the vehicle.

Released male subject from the Brown County Jail after bond was posted.

Issued a citation for speeding 81mph in a 65mph zone on Highway 20 to a South Dakota driver.

Issued two written warnings for speeding on Highway 20.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth, transporting one patient to the hospital.

January 4

Responded to a disturbance on South Main Street in Ainsworth.  A male subject was located and found not to be in possession of a weapon.  No further action was taken.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing on Highway 7, near 877th Rd.

Served a paper in Ainsworth.

Weekly Log

Calls: 89

911 Calls: 6

Calls for Service: 9

Vin Inspections: 2

Handgun Purchase Permits: 3

Inmates Housed: 2

* NDOT offers alternatives for melting ice on new concrete

(Poster 11:30 a.m. Jan. 3)

With the recent completion of Ainsworth’s Main Street project, the Nebraska Department of Transportation reminds residents and business owners that new concrete is more susceptible to deterioration with high salt use throughout its first year.

De-icers dissolve in melted ice and form a brine that’s absorbed by the concrete. The brine can react with newly placed concrete, causing the concrete to discolor, spall and crack. 

Some alternative de-icers for concrete include:

Propylene glycol: This product is effective at melting ice down to -75°F and is less corrosive than other de-icers. 

Urea: This common fertilizer is also an effective snow-melt product. 

Potassium chloride: This de-icer is good in warmer temperatures but less effective in the cold. 

Calcium magnesium acetate: This de-icer is effective for concrete and is biodegradable.

Some alternatives to de-icers:

Kitty litter: Good for traction and melting ice 

Sand: Provides traction on ice, but not as much melting power. Sand is widely available, cheap and environmentally friendly. 

Pickle brine or sugar beet juice: Can be used to melt ice on concrete.

* Pediatric flu death reported in north central Nebraska

(Posted 4 p.m. Jan. 2)

So far, during the 2024-2025 flu season, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has reported three pediatric deaths attributed to influenza.

One of the deaths occurred within the North Central District Health Department service area.

“NCDHD shares our deepest condolences with the families impacted,” said Heidi Kuklis, Director of the North Central District Health Department.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that, so far for this season, there have been approximately 3.1 million flu cases, resulting in at least 37,000 hospitalizations and 1,500 deaths across all age groups.

Protect yourself from the flu by:

Washing your hands often

Avoiding contact with people who are sick

Staying home if you are sick

Covering your mouth and nose when you cough

Eating healthy, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting plenty of rest

Getting a flu shot

Flu shots can reduce flu-related illnesses, visits to the doctor, missed work and school, and flu-related hospitalizations and deaths. Flu shots are available from local clinics or from the NCDHD.

For more flu information visit the DHHS website at or the CDC website at

The North Central District Health Department strives to promote and protect the health and wellness of the residents of Antelope, Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Pierce, and Rock counties.

* Recent cases from Brown County Court

(Posted 3 p.m. Jan. 2)

In addition to fines, each case carries $50 in court costs

Keyleigh S. Stands, age 21, of North Platte, charged with speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, fined $125.

Brenton K. Mann, 40, of Norfolk, first degree criminal trespassing, ordered to serve six months of probation.

Macy C. Hake, 29, of Madison, speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

Tyler J. Robison, 33, of Omaha, speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

Ryan Smit, 46, of Lane, S.D., speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

Valene Cole, 23, of Ainsworth, careless driving, ordered to pay $2,340 in restitution.

Randal R. Rathe, 51, of Ainsworth, violation of a stop or yield sign, $75.

Brian J. Hula, 45, of Creston, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Jeromy A. Hand, 35, of Valentine, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Wyatt T. Killion, 27, of Ainsworth, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Richard L. Bontrager, 22, of Rome City, Ind., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Michael W. Sa Bell, 43, of Morrison, Colo., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Laura L. Privett, 55, of Ainsworth, speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, $125.

John P. Jordan, 64, of Parker, Colo., speeding 16-20 mph over the limit, $125.

John C. Recchia, 22, of Erie, Colo., speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

James J. Latoza, 54, of Lincoln, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit, $75.

Enma F. Ramirez, 34, of O’Neill, speeding 6-10 mph over the limit, $25.

* Nebraska jobless rate among best in nation

(Posted 6:45 a.m. Jan. 2)

The Nebraska Department of Labor announced Nebraska’s unemployment rate for November is 2.8 percent. The rate is up 0.1 percent from the October rate and is up 0.3 percentage points from the November 2023 rate of 2.5 percent. 

Nebraska’s rate is the fifth lowest in the nation.

South Dakota is the only state in the country with an unemployment rate below 2 percent, coming in at 1.9 percent. North Dakota and Vermont are tied for the second-lowest rates in the nation at 2.4 percent, followed by New Hampshire at 2.5 percent and Nebraska.

The highest unemployment rate in the country belongs to Nevada at 5.7 percent. California at 5.4 percent, Illinois at 5.3 percent, Kentucky at 5.1 percent, and South Carolina and Michigan at 4.8 percent round out the states with the highest jobless rates.

Brown County’s unemployment rate in November matched the state average at 2.8 percent. Cherry County and Holt County shared the lowest unemployment rate in the area at 2.2 percent, followed closely by Rock County and Keya Paha County at 2.3 percent.

Boyd County’s unemployment rate in November came in just below the state average at 2.7 percent.

Blaine County’s 3.9 percent unemployment rate was not only the highest rate in the area but tied neighboring Thomas County for the highest November rate in the state. Wheeler County had the lowest rate in the state at 1.7 percent.

“Nebraska’s labor force reached an all-time high in November at 1,057,890, which follows last month’s record high in total non-farm jobs,” said Commissioner of Labor John H. Albin.  “Our labor force has grown by nearly 20,000 people over the year.” 

Total non-farm employment, a count of filled jobs, was 1,084,052 in November, was down 1,522 from October but was up 21,075 over the year. Private industries with the most growth from October to November were the trade, transportation, and utilities sector (up 1,320 jobs); the other services sector (up 520 jobs); and the private education and health services sector (up 366 jobs). Private industries with the most growth during the past year were the private education and health services sector (up 7,244 jobs); the manufacturing sector (up 3,633 jobs); and the leisure and hospitality sector (up 2,281 jobs).

The national unemployment rate for November is 4.2 percent, up 0.1 percent from the October rate and up 0.5 percentage points from the November 2023 rate of 3.7 percent.

The counts of employed and unemployed in the labor force are based on a survey conducted by the Census Bureau regarding employment status. Individuals who are claiming unemployment benefits and those who are not claiming unemployment benefits can be counted as unemployed based on their survey responses.  Individuals who are not working and are not seeking work are not considered part of the labor force and are not included in the unemployment rate calculation.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 6:30 a.m. Dec. 31)

December 22

Issued a citation for speeding 88mph in a 65mph zone on Highway 7 to a Colorado driver.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 7.

Issued a citation for speeding 79 mph in a 65mph zone on Highway 20 to a Minnesota driver.

Served a paper in Long Pine.

Received a request for a welfare check on a male subject in Ainsworth.  The male was located and reported safe at this time.

Responded to a report of an assault in Ainsworth near South Main Street.  Statements have been obtained and a report will be sent to the Brown County Attorney’s office.

December 23

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 20 to a Tennessee driver.

Served two papers in Ainsworth.

Received a report of a disturbance at a 4th Street business in Ainsworth.  It was recommended a no-trespassing letter be issued to prevent future issues.

Responded to a report of a reckless semi driver on Highway 20.

Responded to a report of trespassing at a Main Street business in Ainsworth.

December 24

Responded to a report of trespassing near Mule Deer Rd in Brown County.

December 25

Responded to a report of a domestic disturbance on Meadville Ave.  Parties were separated.

December 26

Served a no trespassing letter to a male subject in Ainsworth.

Responded to a report of a domestic disturbance in Ainsworth.  A civil standby was provided for property exchange and both parties separated.

December 27

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing on Highway 20.

The Brown County Ambulance transported a flight crew from the airport to the hospital to pick up a patient.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 7 to a Colorado driver.

Provided traffic control for a funeral procession in Ainsworth.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 183.

Issued citation for passing violation on 4th Street in Ainsworth.

December 28

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Issued citation for speeding 80 mph in a 65mph zone on Highway 20 to a Nebraska driver.

Weekly Log

Calls:  63

911 Calls:  7

Calls for Service:  10

Inmates Housed:  1

Handgun Purchase Permit:  1

* Star-Journal will continue to publish

(Posted 1:15 p.m. Dec. 24)

Just like a Hallmark Channel Christmas miracle, as the final hour was approaching for the Ainsworth Star-Journal, three Ainsworth businessmen joined forces to purchase the Ainsworth Star-Journal and keep the newspaper from ceasing publication.

Kirk and Chelsey Peterson, Graig and Stephanie Kinzie and Clint and Katie Painter have combined their resources to purchase the Ainsworth Star-Journal from Rod and Kathy Worrell.

In the November 13th edition, the Worrells announced they would be ceasing publication of the Ainsworth Star-Journal with the December 25th edition.

The Worrells have had their three newspapers listed for sale since early in 2024. The Gregory Times-Advocate and Valentine Midland News have recently sold, but until December 19th no one had agreed to purchase the Ainsworth Star-Journal.

As the Worrells were preparing for their final edition, Peterson, Painter and Kinzie contacted them and agreed to purchase the Ainsworth Star-Journal.

Rod Worrell said, “It is a great relief to have this group of local businessmen come forward to purchase the Ainsworth Star-Journal. Kathy and I are delighted and look forward to working with them. Since the agreement came so close to us ceasing publication of the Ainsworth Star-Journal, Kathy and I will continue publishing the Star-Journal for the next two to three months.

“It will take two to three months for the group to get organized to take over the operations and until that time, Kathy and I are more than happy to continue publishing the Ainsworth Star-Journal and keep the 142-year legacy alive.”

Kinzie said he had tried for months to find a partnership to keep the Star-Journal going. He said, while there are some areas where KBRB’s operations could assist the newspaper, someone was needed to handle the day-to-day duties of covering the community and putting each week’s edition together.

“Steph and I had tried several different avenues to make it work,” Kinzie said. “Early last week I had resigned myself to the fact that it wasn’t going to happen, and I had apologized to Rod and Kathy that I couldn’t find someone to help us keep it going. Thursday morning, December 19th, Clint and Kirk came into the office with a proposal for a partnership to have Clint and Katie’s daughter Erin return to Ainsworth and manage the newspaper. We are thrilled they were able to come up with the missing piece that we couldn’t.”

Clint Painter said, “I truly feel the Ainsworth Star-Journal is a pillar of our community. I’m a community guy. I have been blessed to own a business here and with our community’s support, I feel like we can make this adventure work. It’s always been a dream of mine to have my kids move back to this community to hopefully raise their families.”

Kirk Peterson said, “This is my new home and the place my kids will tell people they come from. It’s our job to make sure there is a home to talk about when that time comes.

“This newspaper is truly a pillar of the community and exemplifies the hard-working people who make this town a survivor. This is just one example of how people can truly come together from different backgrounds to hold together something worth keeping.”

Going forward, Cody Goochey and Angie VonHeeder will be taking over the advertising sales duties for the Ainsworth Star-Journal. They can be contacted by phone, email or text at:

Angie VonHeeder: 402-376-4534 or

Cody Goochey: 402-760-1719 or

“We are very excited to be associated with Angie and Cody,” said Worrell. “The businesses that advertise with us have been very loyal over the years and we are confident VonHeeder and Goochey will continue to provide the advertising coverage that our customers have come to know and utilize.”

“We can’t thank Rod and Kathy enough, not only for more than 40 years of providing this critical service to Ainsworth and Brown County, but for agreeing to stay on a little longer and work with us as we get our feet underneath us and become comfortable with continuing to bring the paper to the public,” Kinzie said.

“It was a tough decision to close the Star-Journal and thanks to this group of businessmen and wives, it won’t,” stated Rod Worrell.

“As the paper continues for many more years, people should be excited that they didn’t lose it,” said Worrell. “Please continue to support this business along with all the other businesses in Ainsworth and surrounding area. One doesn’t appreciate what you have until it is gone!”

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 11:30 a.m. Dec. 23)

December 15

Follow-up investigation regarding a coroner report.

Issued a violation card for defective headlight on a Highway 20 traffic stop.

Responded to a report of a reckless driver Eastbound on Highway 20 still in Cherry County.  The vehicle was not found to enter Brown County.

Issued two written warnings for speeding on Highway 20.

December 16

Received a report of trespassing in Long Pine.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing on Highway 7, near 876th Road.

Responded to a report of a hit and run accident in Long Pine to a parked vehicle.  This is an ongoing investigation.

Served two paper services in Long Pine.

Issued two citations for speeding 80 and 86 mph in a 65mph zone on Highway 20.

Responded to a report of a one vehicle accident near the intersection of Main and 1st Street in Ainsworth.  No injuries were reported, the driver was issued a citation for driving under the influence of alcohol and booked into the Brown County Jail.

December 17

Released an inmate from the jail after bond was posted.

Received an adult protective services intake that did not meet definition.

Received a report of theft and damages that occurred to a business in the overnight hours on 12-15 to 12-16 in Ainsworth.  This is an ongoing investigation.

December 18

Provided court room security.

December 19

The Brown County Ambulance and Sheriff’s Office responded to two ambulance requests in Ainsworth at the same time, with two patients being transported to the hospital.  We as a county are so blessed to have an excellent ambulance crew to respond to these emergency situations!

Two papers served in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to a Kearney hospital.

December 20

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing on Highway 183.

Issued a written warning for speeding, four violation cards for defective headlights, two citations for speeding, and a verbal warning for defective trailer lights during traffic stops on this day.

December 21

Received a report regarding a spam email requesting bitcoin payment or they would be blackmailed. 

Served two papers in rural Brown County.

Issued a written warning for driving on the shoulder and driving left of center during a traffic stop on Highway 20.

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Weekly Log
Calls: 73
911 Calls: 5
Calls for Service: 6
Gun Permits: 3
Jail count: 2

* Area students receive degrees from UN-L

(Posted 7 a.m. Dec. 23)

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln conferred 1,149 degrees during commencement exercises Friday and Saturday in Pinnacle Bank Arena.

The degrees were earned by 1,132 graduates from 41 countries, 40 U.S. states and 150-plus Nebraska communities.

Chancellor Rodney D. Bennett presided over the ceremonies.

Two honorary degrees were awarded during the graduate and professional degree ceremony: Ken M. Bird, longtime educator and founder of the nonprofit Avenue Scholars, received a Doctor of Education; and Marion LaVerne (Patton) Larmon, a 103-year-old Lincoln resident who attended the University of Nebraska from 1939 to 1941 but did not graduate, received a Doctor of Fine Arts.

Area students who received degrees from UN-L over the weekend are:


Megan Jo Appelt, Graduate Studies, Master of Science.


Sydney Eleanor Linse, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication.


Madison Claire Stracke, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education with highest distinction.

* Chadron State Dean’s List students announced

(Posted 7 a.m. Dec. 23)

Chadron State College announced the students on the Fall President’s and Dean’s Lists. The President’s List consists of students with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average. Students met the requirements for the Dean’s List by earning at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average.

To qualify for either list, students must be enrolled in 12 credit hours of coursework, be seeking their first bachelor’s degree, and have no incomplete grades during the semester.

Area students named to the fall lists are:

President’s List

Ainsworth – Traegan McNally and Baillee Palmer

Johnstown – Kerstyn Held

Springview – Adyson Linse, Hannah Linse and Hunter Wiebelhaus

Stuart – Jenny Forker

Valentine – McKenna Elliott, Macy Homan, Cody Miller, Alivia Patterson, Ian Slama, Grant Springer and Sadie Vander Wey

Dean’s List

Ainsworth – Bria Delimont

Valentine – Lindsey Boes and Zoe O’Keefe

Dunning – Brayton Branic

* Board urges Turpin to seek refund for road product

(Posted 9:30 a.m. Dec. 18)

The Brown County Commissioners encouraged Highway Superintendent Kenny Turpin Tuesday to try and obtain a refund from the company that provided a road hardening product after the road experienced heavy rutting during a November rain.

Turpin said the roads department sent a sample to the company that provided the Permazyne road hardening product. He said the company tested the samples and said they looked fine.

“The road stays nice and smooth when it doesn’t rain,” Turpin said.

The commissioners said the product was pitched to the county that the roads department would not have to blade the roads near as frequently. However, with traffic creating heavy ruts on the portion of Meadville Avenue where the product was applied following rain in November, the commissioners indicated they wanted to see Turpin pursue a promised refund of the $8,000 cost of the product if the county was not satisfied.

“I think it is nonsense,” Commissioner Buddy Small said. “It is going to get torn up each time it rains.”

Board Chairman Dennis Bauer recommended Turpin try and obtain a refund from the company.

In other roads items Tuesday, Turpin said he planned to purchase crushed concrete from the Main Street renovation project in Ainsworth. The highway superintendent said the county could purchase the material for $17 per ton.

“That is a pretty good deal,” Turpin said. “It is usually $22 per ton, and it is right here.”

Turpin said the total cost for the crushed concrete would be between $80,000 and $100,000.

Turpin discussed replacing the bridge deck and pilings on the Stewart bridge across Goose Creek in southern Brown County. Turpin said that bridge is the last remaining bridge across Goose Creek with a wood deck, and it currently has a reduced weight limit of 13 tons.

“It is going to keep getting worse,” he said.

Turpin estimated the cost to redrive the pilings and replace the deck with concrete would cost between $50,000 and $60,000.

The highway superintendent said he planned to attend a three-day bridge training workshop Jan. 14-16 at Lincoln. He said the cost of the training and the hotel room is paid, the only thing the county will be responsible for is the fuel to travel to and from Lincoln.

Turpin said state bridge inspectors came to Brown County to inspect a bridge and compare their inspection with Turpin’s inspection of the same bridge.

“It’s good for them to double check to make sure I’m doing things properly,” he said.

Turpin reported the roads department was performing bank stabilization work along the Calamus River in southern Brown County, and had to remove a beaver dam that had been built under a bridge on 428th Avenue that was causing the loss of dirt around a bridge abutment. Turpin said the roads department tore out the beaver dam with the county’s excavator and placed some concrete around the abutment.

In other business Tuesday, the commissioners approved the recommended appointments of Ryan Schwindt, Tom Schumacher and Aaron Jackman to the Brown County Planning Commission.

Planning Commission Chairman Tom Jones said Schwindt and Schumacher would fill the remainder of the terms held by Steve Bejot and Linda O’Hare.

Jones said Bejot and O’Hare had served on the Planning Commission since its formation in 1993.

Jackman will replace his father Jim Jackman on the commission. The commissioners approved the appointment of all three for three-year terms.

The board approved allowing Emergency Manager Traci Booth to pursue a Stop the Burn Grant, which if awarded would provide money for cedar tree removal within a 3-mile corridor of the Niobrara River.

Tanya Cole reported the sheriff’s department was not awarded a JAG Task Force Grant. She said applications were received for $350,000 in funding, with $150,000 available. She said the sheriff’s department was encouraged in the letter denying the application to reapply for the grant funds next year.

Weed Superintendent Scott Erthum presented year-end reports to the commissioners. Erthum said the prevalence of purple loosestrife exploded in the county in 2024. He said leafy spurge infestations remained about the same, with a slight increase in the presence of Canada Thistle. He said there was not much musk thistle found in the county this year. The board accepted the reports.

The commissioners also acknowledged the county’s property, vehicle and mobile schedules for its 2025 NIRMA insurance policy as prepared.

The commissioners discussed which publication the county would use for its mandated public notices with the closure of the Ainsworth Star-Journal. The board discussed the subscriptions in Brown County for both the Rock County Leader and the Springview Herald. The board will make a decision in January to designate a legal publication.

Small thanked Star-Journal owner Rod Worrell for his coverage of commissioners meetings and community events.

“Rod, you have done a great job reporting the business of the county,” Small said. “You are very professional.”

Bauer also thanked Worrell for his service to the community.

The commissioners acknowledged a filing in district court by Hathshire Berkaway against the county. County Attorney Andy Taylor said the filing was made by Grant Kobes’ company against the county for the board’s action to award damages to landowners for the construction of a road to Kobes’ property in southwestern Brown County at the former Long Lake State Recreation Area site.

Taylor said the issues in the filing were the same that Kobes raised during a previous board meeting, questioning the methods used by the appraiser hired by the county and the damages that were awarded to the neighboring property owners.

Taylor said the county has 30 days to file a response, which he said he would do and would state the qualifications of the appraiser used by the county to determine the damage to the adjacent landowners for the construction of the road to Kobes’ property.

In reviewing the claims, Bauer questioned a claim submitted by Cherry County to house an inmate for Brown County. Sheriff Brent Deibler said the inmate had medical issues that the sheriff’s department could not accommodate. He said the inmate was now back in the Brown County Jail.

The next meeting of the Brown County Commissioners is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Jan. 7.

* Area students set to graduate from UNK

(Posted 11 a.m. Dec. 16)

Degrees will be conferred for 394 winter graduates of the University of Nebraska at Kearney during commencement exercises at 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 20, in the UNK Health and Sports Center.

Area students scheduled to receive degrees from UNK are:

Tory Cole, a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and dietetics, graduating with honorable mention recognition.

Alexis Chavez Monasterio, a Bachelor of Science degree in political science, graduating summa cum laude

Josie Kuchera, a Bachelor of Science degree in health sciences, graduating with honorable mention recognition

Emilie Otto, a Master of Arts degree in business administration

Heather Slaymaker, a Master of Arts in Education degree in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade reading

Kooper Reece, a Bachelor’s degree in general studies

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 11 a.m. Dec. 16)

December 8

Issued two written warnings for speeding on Highway 7.

Responded to a report of a disturbance along Highway 20 regarding juveniles throwing objects at another vehicle.  The reported vehicle was not found.

Issued a citation for speeding on Highway 20 for driving 79mph in a 65mph zone.

Issued two written warnings for speeding on Highway 20.

December 9

Served a paper service in Ainsworth.

Issued a citation for driving without a license to a male subject driving a golf cart down Highway 20.  The golf cart was impounded.

Served a paper service in Long Pine.

Issued a violation card for no taillights on Highway 20.

December 10

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing at 433rd Ave and Highway 20.

Served three papers in Ainsworth.

Responded to a report of a juvenile assaulted by another juvenile.  Statements were collected and a report will be sent to the Brown County Attorney’s office.

December 11

Responded to a report of a hit and run accident on Woodward Street in Ainsworth.  A male subject was later issued a citation for leaving the scene of an accident and failure to furnish information.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to two 911 calls in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital each time.

The Brown County Ambulance transported a patient to West Holt Hospital and returned to Brown County Hospital with the patient.

December 12

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near Highway 183 and Keller Park.

Follow-up investigation regarding juvenile assault.

Responded to a report of a semi-trailer losing contents on Highway 20.  The driver was contacted to correct the issue.

December 13

Assisted a motorist on Highway 20 while they changed a flat tire.

Responded to a report of a car-deer accident on Highway 20.  The vehicle was towed from the scene and no injuries were reported.

December 14

Served a paper in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance and the Brown County Sheriff’s Office responded to a 911 call in Long Pine. 

Weekly Log
Calls:  88
911 Calls:  9
Calls for Service:  11
Inmates Housed:  1
Vin Inspections:  2
Handgun Purchase Permits:  5

* Stracke named a UN-L Chancellor’s Scholar

(Posted 7 a.m. Dec. 16)

Eighteen University of Nebraska–Lincoln students will be recognized as Chancellor’s Scholars during the undergraduate commencement ceremony Dec. 21 in Pinnacle Bank Arena.

Chancellor’s Scholars are students who have maintained 4.0 grade-point averages on all collegiate work at Nebraska and elsewhere.

Madison Stracke of Stuart is one of the 18 Chancellor’s Scholars at UN-L. Stracke is graduating with a Bachler of Arts degree in agricultural education from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

* Commissioner asks council to repay care center funding

(Posted 9:30 a.m. Dec. 12)

A Brown County Commissioner asked the Ainsworth City Council Wednesday how it planned to make good on a “gentlemen’s agreement” to provide additional funding to the Sandhills Care Center made in 2022 when the facility was struggling financially and in danger of closing.

Commissioner Dennis Bauer told the council the county wondered what the city’s plans were for either repaying the county for half of what was provided to the care center or providing an equal amount to the care center as the county paid.

Brown County and the city of Ainsworth jointly own and operate the Sandhills Care Center. The operating agreement requires each entity to provide an equal amount of funding to the facility.

Bauer said the issue stemmed from joint meetings held in 2022 between the commissioners and the council regarding funding the care center during a period of financial hardship. Bauer provided minutes from a commissioners special meeting that showed the county voting to supply the care center with additional funding. He said the council at that time had agreed to act in a following meeting, but the city never provided the funding to match the county’s contribution.

“My understanding was the city could pay the county back at some point,” Bauer said. “I’m here to start the process and ask about the repayment.”

City Administrator Lisa Schroedl said she and City Attorney Michael Scholes had visited with Brown County Attorney Andy Taylor to try and get on the same page.

Schroedl said, during one of the special meetings, the two entities agreed to provide a total of $250,000 in additional funding to the care center. At that time, the county offered to fund the entire amount up front with the city then repaying the county as it could.

Schroedl said the council made a motion during that meeting to come up with the $125,000 itself instead of being indebted to the county, and subsequently provided payments of $75,000 and $50,000 to the care center to honor that commitment.

Schroedl said there was another $80,000 provided by the county on top of that amount.

“There is a discrepancy of an additional $80,000 the county gave in July 2022 that was above and beyond (the $250,000),” Schroedl said. “There is no argument who has put in what. The discussion was, can the county obligate the city to pay without a joint agreement.”

She said the city did not have an additional $80,000 at that time and did not take any action to match the additional $80,000 paid by the county above and beyond half of the $250,000 that the council had agreed to pay.

Bauer said he recalled the city saying at the time that it did not have the $80,000 in its budget to provide to the care center.

“I thought we had a gentlemen’s agreement at that time,” Bauer said. “I am not asking for a decision tonight. I just want to start the dialogue.”

Councilman Doug Weiss said it sounded to him like the city probably owed the county, even if it was an unwritten agreement.

“I think the city has an obligation to reimburse the county for half of that,” Weiss said.

Weiss said reimbursing the county for half of the $80,000 it provided the care center would be better for the city’s budget than trying to provide an additional $80,000 to the care center to get back to the 50-50 joint operating agreement between the two entities.

Councilman Dustin Barthel said, since he was not on the council at the time, he was relying on the minutes from those meetings.

“That is not in the minutes,” Barthel said. “Gentlemen’s agreements are not how the city does business.”

Brad Fiala, the only current City Council member who was on the council in 2022 during the period in question, was absent from Wednesday’s meeting.

Mayor Joel Klammer said everyone agreed the issue was an additional $80,000 that was paid by the county. He recommended the council table the item until January when Fiala would be available to provide his recollections of the 2022 meetings and what the city had agreed to provide.

No action was taken by the council Wednesday.

Councilman Kent Taylor, who was elected to a council seat in November after being appointed to fill a vacancy earlier in the year, took the oath of office for a four-year term. With no one running to fill the seat held by Weiss, who was also appointed to fill a vacancy, the council approved the mayor’s recommendation to appoint Heather Lutter to the council. Lutter also was administered the oath of office.

Barthel was then reappointed as the council president.

The council approved the appointment of Jean Hunt to fill the remainder of a term on the Ainsworth Library Board created by the resignation of Phyllis Leach.

The council approved appointments to coincide with the mayor’s new term in office. Those included Scholes as city attorney, Schroedl as the city administrator/clerk/treasurer, Brad Miller as the water and sewer superintendent, Jade Egle as the streets foreman, Lloyd Smith as the streets superintendent and Bruce Papstein as the city’s representative on the KBR Solid Waste Board.

The appointments also included naming the West Plains Bank, Homestead Bank, Union Bank & Trust, the Nebraska Public Agency Investment Trust and NFIT as depositories for city funds, and the Ainsworth Star-Journal, Rock County Leader, Springview Herald and KBRB for publication of city legal notices.

Klammer recommended tabling the appointments of the municipal physician and city prosecuting attorney until the January meeting.

Following a public hearing, the council approved a conditional-use permit for Grant Stec to place a storage container on property outside the city limits but within its 1-mile zoning jurisdiction following a recommendation from the City Planning Commission.

Schroedl said the site is on North Main Street south of the wastewater treatment plant.

“The Planning Commission did not have an issue as long as there weren’t concerns from neighbors,” Schroedl said.

She said no one had expressed concerns to the city office regarding the application, and no one spoke against the application during the public hearing Wednesday.

The council approved an administrative subdivision separating one lot into two in the Plainsman Addition, Block 2, Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2. The request was made by the Ainsworth Star-Journal and separates a parcel with a storage shed from the remainder of the Star-Journal property.

The council approved a resolution to retain Heather Sikyta to continue to serve as the city’s LB 840 attorney at a rate of $200 per hour as needed. Schroedl said the city does not have to use Sikyta often but it was nice to have her available when needed.

Klammer said Sikyta had served as the city’s LB 840 attorney for several years and has a lot of experience with the LB 840 program.

Linda O’Hare with the Brown County Visitors Committee discussed the placement of new welcome signs on the east and west sides of Ainsworth that were being funded by the Visitors Committee.

O’Hare asked the city if it would trim and maintain trees and shrubs at the site of the sign on the west entrance to the city. O’Hare said the signs cost approximately $15,000 each.

Terry Burdick asked the council if it would consider repainting a no-parking area on the south side of Willow Creek Mercantile on Third Street as there was prior to the Main Street construction.

Burdick said there was previously a no-parking area painted on the north side of Third Street just off Main Street which allowed for trucks to park and make deliveries to Willow Creek Mercantile.

Following the construction, the no-parking area was removed and Burdick said there was no place for trucks to park and make deliveries. He said residents of the apartments across the street from the business park in the area and leave their vehicles in the same spot for days.

Burdick said he expressed his concern to the Nebraska Department of Transportation, which indicated the striping on Third Street was the city’s responsibility.

Klammer said he was inclined to try and address the issue through code enforcement.

“I hate to rush into any decisions,” Klammer said on removing parking spaces.

Taylor said he was sympathetic to Burdick’s concerns, but was hesitant to set a precedent by designating no-parking areas. He said numerous businesses might then want similar designations or 15-minute parking.

The council did not take action on the request.

During her report, Schroedl said she planned to hire Sandy Sisson for a part-time position in the city office. Schroedl said the city had not made a replacement for the position previously held by Lynde Osborn.

Prior to adjourning, Klammer recognized Ainsworth Star-Journal owner Rod Worrell for his more than 40 years covering City Council meetings and other events in the community.

“You are still welcome to come to all the meetings!” Klammer said.

The Worrells announced they were retiring, with the final edition of the Star-Journal slated to be printed Dec. 25.

The next meeting of the Ainsworth City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. Jan. 8.

* Ainsworth grad named History Teacher of the Year

(Posted 9 a.m. Dec. 11)

Nathan Kackmeister, a teacher at Crawford Public Schools was recently named the 2024 State History Teacher of the Year, an award sponsored by The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

In 2024, parents, students, teachers, and administrators nationwide nominated more than 7,000 teachers for the History Teacher of the Year Award. Kackmeister was recognized as the top history teacher in Nebraska.

The History Teacher of the Year Award highlights the importance of history education by honoring American history teachers from elementary through high school. The award recognizes one K-12 teacher from each state, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, and U.S. territories.

As a classroom educator, Kackmeister said he is driven by a desire to instill in his students historical thinking skills like inquiry, research, multiple perspectives, and synthesis to create and tell the stories they have found. Kackmeister requires each of his students to dive deeper into the nation’s past to find understanding and knowledge through accurate and reliable sources from differing perspectives, to corroborate and evaluate a source. Kackmeister said he believes knowing and understanding one’s own history is critical.

Kackmeister will receive a $1,000 award and Crawford will become a Gilder Lehrman Affiliate School, receiving history books and educational materials from the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Kackmeister will also be a finalist for the $10,000 National History Teacher of the Year Award.

* Ainsworth City Council Wednesday agenda

(Posted 6:45 a.m. Dec. 11)

Ainsworth City Council
Meeting 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11
Ainsworth Conference Center

  • Call to Order
  • I. Routine Business
    • Announcement of Open Meetings Act
    • Roll Call
    • Pledge of Allegiance
  • II. Consent Agenda – All items approved with the passage of one motion
    • Approve minutes from the November 13, 2024 regular meeting
    • Approval of claims
    • Treasurer’s report
    • Department head reports
  • III. Mayor’s Appointments and Report
    • Mayor’s Report
    • Mayor’s Appointments
      • Library Board (4-year term) – Appointment of Jean Hunt to complete the term of Phyllis Leach, whom has resigned, with term ending 4/30/2026
      • Annual appointments for the term of the Mayor:  Dr. Melvin Campbell – Municipal Physician; Michael Scholes – City Attorney; Andy Taylor – Prosecuting Attorney; Lisa Schroedl – City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer; Brad Miller – Water/Sewer Superintendent; Jade Egle – Street Foreman; Lloyd Smith – Street Superintendent; Bruce Papstein – KBR Solid Waste; West Plains Bank, Homestead Bank, Union Bank, Nebraska Public Agency Investment Trust, NFIT – Bank Depositories; Ainsworth Star Journal, Springview Herald, Rock County Leader, KBRB Radio Station – Publication
      • City Council (4-year term) – Appointment of Heather Lutter to fill the vacant seat with term ending the first meeting in December, 2028
  • IV. Public Hearings
    • Consider the recommendation by the Planning Commission to approve a conditional use permit to Grant Stec for the placement of a shipping container on property located within the 1-mile zoning jurisdiction
  • V. Old Business
    • Care Center funding – Denny Bauer, Brown County Commissioner 
  • VI. Regular Agenda
    • Oath of Office for council members Kent Taylor and Heather Lutter
    • Nomination and appointment of Council President
    • Discussion of new Welcome signs – Linda O’Hare, Brown County Lodging Tax representative
    • Discuss and consider parking near Main Street – Terry Burdick, Willow Creek Mercantile
    • Discuss and consider an administrative subdivision request of Plainsman Addition, Block 2, Lot 1 and the E. 88’ of Lot 2
    • Discuss and consider Resolution #24-09:  Authorizing the Mayor to sign the retainer agreement for Heather L. Sikyta to act as the LB840 attorney for the City of Ainsworth
    • City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer Report
  • VII. Adjourn

* Care Center financial outlook continues to improve

(Posted 1 p.m. Dec. 10)

The Sandhills Care Center turned in another solid month financially during November, as business manager McKenzie Crane told the Board of Directors Monday that expenses were down and revenue was up.

“I don’t have a lot else to report this month,” Crane said. “It is going well.”

The care center generated $291,139 in revenue during November with expenses of $274,530 for a net operating margin of more than $16,600.

The facility also received $29,549 in property tax dollars from the voter-approved levy, which is placed into the interlocal account for building improvements or upgrades as approved by the board. The tax levy dollars coming into the facility are not placed in the care center’s operating account.

The board received a document from West Plains Bank with information on a cooperative agreement between banks for accounts that exceed $250,000, which is the limit for FDIC insurance.

Jacobs said the care center’s account has at times now exceeded that amount, so the bank has options to ensure all of the care center’s funds remained covered through the FDIC program.

Audience member Graig Kinzie said having more funding available in its account than is covered by the FDIC program is likely not an issue that the board would have anticipated a couple years ago.

Administrator Penny Jacobs reported one new resident was admitted to the Sandhills Care Center during the past month, with one resident discharged home with family members. A total of 31 residents call the care center home. Of those, 15 are Ainsworth residents, two are from Long Pine, four are from rural Brown County, eight are from Cherry County, and there is one resident from both Rock County and Keya Paha County.

Of the 31 residents, Jacobs said 13 pay privately, 16 receive Medicaid assistance, one receives Medicare assistance, and one resident receives hospice care.

Jacobs reported the care center is still in need of CNAs and dietary help, as well as a full-time housekeeper.

During action items Monday, the board approved the annual audit report, which Board Chairman Tom Jones said showed no negative findings other than the standard lack of segregation of duties which all smaller entities show.

“The auditors complimented Kenzie and Penny on how quickly they got things to them,” Jones said.

The board approved making repairs to the facility’s generator. Jacobs said Ainsworth Electric is waiting on parts to arrive and will repair the generator at that time.

Jacobs reported the handicap-accessible front door has been ordered. She said the company has to coordinate with the care center’s security company to make sure the alarm is compatible with the new door when it arrives.

Jacobs reported the care center has reached out to three companies to obtain bids for the yard sprinkler system at the care center. She said she would report back when responses are received.

Jones discussed an emergency preparedness table top exercise conducted by the facility’s staff he attended.

“Everyone did a great job,” Jones said. “I learned a lot.”

Jacobs said the exercise scenario involved a fire south of Ainsworth that was moving toward the community, prompting an evacuation notice to be issued. Jacobs said the exercise required staff to prepare to evacuate residents when ambulances may not be available and when the Brown County Hospital, which is the facility’s primary site to take residents if the care center must be evacuated, is not available due to also being under the evacuation notice.

“We went through alternatives for transportation, and we had to think about where we would take residents,” Jacobs said.

The board was updated on its responsibilities when the care center would need to invoke its emergency operations plan. Jacobs said she would first try to notify the board chairman to relay information to the other board members. If the chairman was not available, she would notify the next officer on the list.

The next meeting of the Sandhills Care Center Board of Directors is scheduled for 5 p.m. Jan.13.

* School Board recognizes outgoing members

(Posted 6:45 a.m. Dec. 10)

The Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education recognized two longtime board members Monday who were attending their final meeting.

Combined, Mark Johnson and Scott Erthum served more than 30 years on the Board of Education, with Johnson serving five four-year terms and Erthum three.

Board President Brad Wilkins expressed his gratitude to both veteran board members for their service to the school and the community.

“Mark has been instrumental to the building and grounds committee,” Wilkins said. “Scott, I appreciate your insight as a rural school board member and your teaching background.”

Wilkins said Ainsworth has a good thing going and the district is moving forward, and both Johnson and Erthum played key roles.

Superintendent Dale Hafer said, coming in as a new superintendent, the institutional knowledge from both Johnson and Erthum made his transition into the district much easier.

“I appreciate all of the advice,” Hafer said. “We have had a lot of easy conversations, and some tough ones too. I appreciate the level of professionalism you brought to the board.”

Johnson said it had been a good run.

“I worked with a lot of good people,” Johnson said. “I appreciate everyone’s work. We have tried to lead by example. We are here for the kids.”

Erthum said he felt like the district was in good shape financially.

“This was a good time to step aside and let younger folks take over,” Erthum said.

In addition to receiving certificates of appreciation, both Erthum and Johnson received lifetime passes to Ainsworth Community Schools activities.

Crystal Dailey and Jake Graff will be seated on the board in January.

In action items Monday, the board approved a contract for special education teacher Tiara McGinley for the 2025-26 school year.

Hafer said McGinley was originally from the Sargent area and her husband was from the area as well, and both were interested in moving back to this part of Nebraska. He said McGinley is currently teaching at Sturgis, S.D.

Hafer said the district has an open special education position, and there has been increased need for those services, especially in the lower elementary level.

“I am excited to bring her on for next year,” Hafer said. “

The board approved a review of another segment of district policies. Following an executive session and evaluation, the board approved extending Hafer’s contract for an additional year through the 2026-27 school year.

Both Elementary Principal Ben Wright and Secondary Principal Steve Dike discussed upcoming testing windows with the board to measure students’ progress from the original tests administered at the beginning of the school year.

Dike thanked the district’s staff for assisting with district one-act play production, allowing the Ainsworth team to perform at home instead of having to get on a bus and travel.

Counselor Lisa Schlueter reported Ainsworth Community Schools has been selected as one of three sites in the state by the I Love You Guys Foundation to conduct a reunification exercise, which will be conducted March 17.

Schlueter said conducting a similar exercise would cost the district about $13,000. She said the community reunification team, staff, law enforcement and other emergency responders would participate in the exercise, which mimics a school emergency and goes through the process of reuniting students with their families.

“There will be about 120 participants,” Schlueter said.

Hafer said the emergency operations plan established by the school has put Ainsworth on the radar for being a school that is prepared.

“We work on our emergency operations plan and practice it with the hope that we never have to use it,” Hafer said.

The next meeting of the Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education is scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 13.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted noon Dec. 9)

November 24

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 7.

Responded to a report of a domestic disturbance on 2nd Street in Ainsworth.

November 25

Received a report of harassment on Meadville Ave. 

The Brown County Ambulance transported a flight crew to pick up a patient at the Brown County Hospital.

Responded to a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident after driving through a property gate near 877th Road and 430th Ave.

Issued a citation for speeding on Highway 7 to a Colorado driver for 79mph in a 65mph zone.

Received a request for a welfare check on a male subject in Ainsworth.  The male was located and reported safe at this time.

Issued a citation to a driver for expired registration and no trailer lights on Highway 20.

 November 26

Issued two verbal warnings for speed on Highway 20.

Attempted paper service delivery in Ainsworth.

November 27

Received a report of a reckless driver in Ainsworth, exceeding speed limits and failure to stop.  The driver was later identified and issued a citation.

Served a paper near Johnstown.

Citation issued for speeding and no proof of insurance on Highway 7 to a SD driver.

Received a report of a reckless driver on Highway 7.

Issued three citations for no taillights on Highway 20.  One a semi-driver was escorted back to Ainsworth until the lights could be repaired.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 7.

November 28

No reportable activity.

November 29

Issued citation for no headlights on Highway 20.

Issued a citation for speeding on Highway 20 to a NE driver.

Responded to a report of a vehicle blocking the roadway on Main Street.  No vehicle was found.

November 30

The Brown County Ambulance was paged to Johnstown and transported one patient to the hospital.

Located a disabled vehicle on Highway 20.  The vehicle was later removed.

Weekly Log
Calls: 65
911 Calls: 2
Calls for Service: 6

December 1

Served a paper in Johnstown.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Responded to a report of burglary.  No criminal activity was found at this time.

December 2

Follow-up investigation regarding a report of trailer theft.

Responded to a request for a welfare check on a male subject in Ainsworth.  The male was located at his home address and reported safe at this time.

Issued a citation for speeding on Highway 20 to a Wyoming driver for 77mph in a 65mph zone.

Issued a citation for speeding near 5th Street and Meadville Ave for speeding 52mph in a 35mph zone.

Issued two written warnings for speeding.

December 3

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near 427th Ave and Highway 20.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near 876th Rd and Highway 7.

Issued citation for speeding on Highway 20 to a Nebraska driver for 76mph in a 65mph zone.

The Brown County Ambulance was paged and transported one patient to the hospital in Ainsworth.

Served a paper in Ainsworth.

Issued two violation cards during traffic stops for improper/defective vehicle lighting.

Responded to a report of a car-deer accident near Highway 20 and 9A spur.  No injuries occurred and the vehicle was able to drive away from the scene.  The deer was dispatched due to injuries.

December 4

Provided court room security.

Served a paper in Ainsworth.

Follow-up interview regarding a report of theft.

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

Received a report of a vulnerable adult.  This is an ongoing investigation.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to Long Pine and transported one patient to the hospital.

December 5

Served a paper in Ainsworth.

December 6

Citation issued for speeding on Highway 20 to a Nebraska driver for 16+mph over the posted speed limit.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near 433rd Ave and Highway 20.

Responded to a report of a male subject driving a golf cart on Highway 20.  The male subject was issued a citation for no operator’s license and the golf cart was impounded.

Attended a fire drill at Ainsworth Community Schools.

Issued a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic and violating stop sign during a traffic stop on Highway 20.

Issued a citation for speeding to a Nebraska driver on Highway 20 for 88mph in a 65mph zone.

December 7

Issued a written warning for speeding.

Served paper service in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a call in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital.

Issued citation for speeding on Highway 20 for 80mph in a 65mph zone.

Weekly Log
Calls:  98
911 Calls: 4
Calls for Service: 10
Handgun Purchase Permits:  1
Inmates Housed: 1

* Local Hoop Shoot winners advance to district contest

(Posted 10:15 a.m. Dec. 9)

Six shooters qualified for the district contest Jan. 12 at Cozad by finishing first in their age division during the annual Elks Hoop Shoot, held Sunday in McAndrew Gymnasium.

The top shooter of the event was Blake Hansmeyer, who won the boys 12-13 age division. Isabelle Arens was the top 12-13 girls shooter.

Landon Arens won the boys 10-11 age division, with Sutton Brodbeck taking first in the girls 10-11 division.

Jett Hansmeyer was the top shooter for the boys 8-9 division, and Cecilia Kerrigan took first in the girls 8-9 division.

Those who win the District Hoop Shoot Jan. 12 will advance to the Elks State Hoop Shoot.

* Bassett Christmas Bucks winners selected for Week 1

(Posted 10:45 a.m. Dec. 5)

First week winners of the Bassett Chamber Christmas Bucks giveaway are Allen’s Pizza Place, Kent Croghan and Jeff Allen; Bassett American Legion Club, Derek White and Austin Kroll; Bassett Country Club,  Lisa Fischer and Chris Coulter; Circle B, JoLyn Dillon and Ty Jackson; Corral Bar, Joyce Menzel and Jake Friedrich; G & V’s Market, Mary Morton and Kim Ost; Hometown Repair, Connie Bussinger and Ginny Kepler; Leon’s Hardware, Jean James and Jinny Kepler; New Images, Theresa Denny and Sheila Peterson; Range Cafe, Rock County Agronomy, Barta Cattle Co. and Clifford Kepler; Rock County Pharmacy, Melody Turpin and Steve Larson; Rock County Leader, Carla Anderson and Jan Buoy; Rock County Senior Center, Denny Lane and Donna McGuire;  Rolling Rock Vet, Brandy Connell and May Ranch; Scott’s Place, Donnie Buchanan and Margret Walton; Second Chance Thrift Store, Allyson Frank and Nina Atkinson; Stout Welding LLC, Bernie Hart and TCR Cattle; The Porch, Connie Munk and Ev Armstrong; The Scissors Edge, Mona Davis and Maren Arens; Teased Salon,  Donna Adams and Sam Krieger; Bassett Methodist Church, Britley Morrison and Robin Wright; Whistle Stop, Amber Zoucha and Kasy Epke; and Wm. Krotter, Wade Hollenbeck and Kevin Connell.

Additional winners will be chosen Dec. 9, 16 and 23.

The first “Shop The Rock Sunday $100” winner is JoAnn Claussen. Remember to register each Sunday – Dec. 8, 15, and Dec. 22 to be eligible to win. Shoppers must make a purchase on Sunday in any open local business in Bassett. The winner of each of the $100 does not need to be present but must make a purchase on Sunday.

* Deer harvest down 2 percent from 2023

(Posted 4 p.m. Dec. 4)

Preliminary results from the Nebraska November firearm deer season show statewide harvest was down 2% from 2023 and down 24% from the 2019-2023 average.

This was more successful than expected for the Nov. 16-24 season as November Firearm permit quotas were reduced 13% from 2023 in response to declining deer populations.

Mule deer buck harvest increased 9% from 2023, while whitetail buck harvest fell 2%. Antlerless mule deer harvest declined 10% from 2023, while antlerless whitetail increased 2%. All harvest levels are down significantly from the five-year average. Total deer harvest for the firearm season has declined each year since 2019.

“Nebraska Game and Parks significantly reduced permit quotas, intending to reduce harvest this year, due to lower numbers of deer,” said Luke Meduna, Game and Parks’ big game program manager. Deer populations in Nebraska have been declining in recent years due to drought conditions, severe winters and increased permit quotas in 2019 and 2020.

“Despite those lower deer populations and permit quotas, many Nebraska hunters found success and created great memories in the field this season,” Meduna said.

Overall, November firearm permit success was 2% higher at 40% this year, compared to 38% in 2023.

Final harvest results will be available following the close of all deer seasons. Archery season closes Dec. 31, while muzzleloader season is Dec. 1-31. The late antlerless season is Jan. 1-15, while the River Antlerless late season is Jan. 1-15.

* Turpin says new road product did not perform

(Posted 9 a.m. Dec. 4)

Brown County Highway Superintendent Kenny Turpin told the Board of Commissioners Tuesday the product used to harden the gravel surface of Meadville Avenue north of the paved portion of the road exhibited substantial ruts and mud following rains in late November.

Turpin said the 1-mile stretch of Meadville Avenue where the Permazyme product was placed experienced severe ruts following the rain.

“It got really muddy in November and rutted pretty bad,” the highway superintendent said. “It had ruts up to 7 inches deep in a few spots. Every road around it was in better shape.”

Turpin said the roads department bladed the stretch and it has hardened up again. However, one of the selling points of the new product was its ability to remain in a hardened state and lessen the number of times maintaining equipment has to be used.

“It had plenty of time to cure,” Turpin said. “I told the company, if we can’t get it resolved, we will want a refund. It did not work as advertised.”

The company sold the product to the county on a trial basis, offering the county a refund if it was not satisfied with the way the product performed.

In other roads item, the highway superintendent reported roads employee Joe Crooker planned to retire from the department at the end of the year.

“Joe has been a good employee,” Turpin said. “I think we can get by without hiring an extra person. We have had eight since the flooding, but I think we can try it with seven and see how it goes.”

Turpin said he was trying to find ways to save the county a little money.

Commissioners Dennis Bauer and Jeremiah Dailey both said they appreciated Turpin’s decision to operate the roads department with seven employees instead of eight.

Turpin also reported TopKote, the longtime contractor for the county’s armor coating work, was closing as the owner planned to retire. Turpin said the company had done good work for the county for 25 years, but the roads department would now have to find someone else to perform armor coating work.

In a roads department action item, the commissioners approved a three-year agreement with the village of Johnstown to provide snow removal and road maintenance on streets in the village in exchange for half of the village’s annual highway allocation funding. Turpin said there were no changes to the previous agreement. He said the county hauls gravel for the village if it is needed, but the village pays for the cost of the gravel.

Turpin said he would like to revisit an agreement the roads department has with Cherry County. Under that agreement, the Brown County roads department maintains a portion of Beel Lane located in Cherry County while the Cherry County roads department is responsible for maintaining a portion of a road located in western Brown County.

Turpin said there has been some turnover in roads department personnel in Cherry County and it didn’t sound like the Brown County road Cherry County had agreed to maintain was being bladed.

Turpin said he did not necessarily want to end the agreement, he just wanted to revisit it to make sure both roads are maintained.

Sheriff Brent Deibler reported he has been working to try and have the Nebraska Department of Transportation lower the speed limit back down on the approaches into Ainsworth from the east and west on Highway 20, and also from the south on Highway 7.

Deibler said he was also trying to get a painted crosswalk installed on Highway 7 at Daniels Manufacturing, as the company’s employee parking lot is located across Highway 7 from the facility and employees have to cross the highway on foot to get to work.

The commissioners and audience members also encouraged Deibler to work on a painted crosswalk on Highway 20 between the Ainsworth Conference Center and Red & White Market since so many youth cross the highway at that intersection to attend practice in the conference center gym.

Deibler said anyone who supported reducing the speed limits and creating the crosswalks could send a letter of support to the sheriff’s department.

The commissioners Tuesday approved allowing the sheriff’s department to apply for a 2025 JAG Taskforce Grant to help pay for radio equipment upgrades, with Clerk Travee Hobbs being the fiscal point of contact for the county.

Tanya Cole with the sheriff’s department said the grant application window is now open, and North Central Development Center Executive Director Kristin Olson is working with the sheriff’s department on the application. Cole said Olson would handle the grant reporting requirements for the county if the grant is awarded.

The commissioners approved resolutions to make budgeted transfers from the county roads department highway bridge buyback fund and the inheritance tax fund to make the $273,608 payment due on the Meadville Avenue bond and approved making the annual payment on the Brown County Hospital addition bond.

The next meeting of the Brown County Commissioners is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Dec. 17.

* Nebraska’s jobless rate remains among nation’s best

(Posted noon Nov. 26)

The Nebraska Department of Labor announced Nebraska’s unemployment rate for October is 2.7 percent. The rate is unchanged from the September rate and is up 0.2 percentage points from the October 2023 rate of 2.5 percent.

For the fifth straight month, Nebraska’s rate is ranked fifth lowest in the nation. South Dakota maintains its grip on the lowest unemployment rate in the country at 1.9 percent. Vermont moved to second with an October rate of 2.3 percent, followed by North Dakota at 2.4 percent, New Hampshire at 2.5 percent, and Nebraska.

Nevada experienced the highest unemployment rate in the nation in October at 5.7 percent. California at 5.4 percent, Illinois at 5.3 percent and Kentucky at 5.0 percent rounded out the four states with the highest jobless rates. The fifth-worst rate was a tie at 4.7 between Michigan, New Jersey, South Carolina and Washington.

The national unemployment rate for October is 4.1 percent, unchanged from the September rate and up 0.3 percentage points from the October 2023 rate of 3.8 percent.

Brown County’s unemployment rate in October was above the statewide average at 2.9 percent.

Rock County had the lowest unemployment rate in the area at 2.1 percent, which was tied for the second-best rate in the state behind the 2.0 percent rate in Hayes County. Holt County and Cherry County were close behind with rates of 2.2 percent in October.

Keya Paha County’s October rate was better than the state average at 2.6 percent, with Boyd County matching Brown County at 2.9 percent.

Blaine County had the highest rate in the area at 3.6 percent. Thomas County at 4.2 percent and Loup County at 4.1 percent on either side of Blaine County experienced the highest unemployment rates in the state in October.

“Total nonfarm employment reached an all-time high in October at 1,085,139,” said Commissioner of Labor John H. Albin.  “That is an increase of over 4,000 filled jobs from the prior high in June of this year.” 

Nonfarm employment was up 7,298 from September and up 22,738 since October 2023. Private education and health services reached a record high of 172,155 jobs and increased 8,321 from October 2023. Other private industries with the most growth during the past year  were the manufacturing sector (up 3,846 jobs); and the trade, transportation, and utilities sector (up 2,543 jobs). 

Private industries with the most growth from September to October were the private education and health services sector (up 2,217 jobs); the trade, transportation, and utilities sector (up 1,587 jobs); and the mining and construction sector (up 556 jobs).

The counts of employed and unemployed in the labor force are based on a survey conducted by the Census Bureau regarding employment status.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 10:45 a.m. Nov. 25)

November 17

Speeding citation and written warning issued during traffic stops.

Responded to a report of a car-deer collision on Highway 20.  No injuries were reported and the vehicle was able to drive away.

November 18

The Brown County Ambulance were paged and transported one patient to the hospital.

Responded to a car-deer collision on Highway 20.  No injuries reported and the vehicle was able to drive away.

Received a report of a gas drive off.  Contact was made with the driver who returned to pay.

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to take a patient to Omaha.

The Brown County Ambulance and a deputy responded to a request for a lift assist in Long Pine.

November 19

Responded to a report of a chipped windshield in Ainsworth.  The semi and trailer reported to be dropping rocks was not found.

Issued two warnings during traffic stops for no driver’s license on person and a violation card for no trailer lights.  Another traffic stop resulted in a written warning for speeding.

Served a paper service in Ainsworth.

November 20

Provided court room security.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a page in Long Pine and transported one patient to the hospital.  A deputy also responded for assistance.

Released a male subject from the Brown County Jail after they received a personal recognizance bond in court.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a page in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital.

Served an arrest warrant for failure to appear in Ainsworth.  The male subject was booked into the Brown County Jail.

Received a report of trespassing in Ainsworth.

Responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle near 3rd and Main Street in Ainsworth.  The vehicle was not found.

Received an intake from Department of Health and Human Services reporting suspected child abuse/neglect. 

The Brown County Ambulance provided a ground transport crew to Norfolk.

Received a report of an underage driver.

November 21

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing on Highway 20.

The Ainsworth and Long Pine Fire Departments were paged to a fire near the Buffalo Flats Cemetery.  The fire was contained quickly and trucks returned to the barn.

Responded to a report of a driver shining a spotlight at another vehicle.  Contact was made with the driver. 

November 22

Served three paper services in Ainsworth and one in Long Pine and Johnstown.

Provided traffic control for a funeral procession.

Responded to a report of a two-vehicle accident near Third and Main streets in Ainsworth.  Minimal damage occurred to both vehicles and insurance information was exchanged.

Issued written warning for speeding on Meadville Ave.

Responded to a report of a hay trailer operating after dark with no taillights.  Contact was made with the driver and a violation card was issued.

Issued two citations for speeding on Highway 20.

Another traffic stop on Highway 20 resulted in a violation card issued for no trailer lights.

November 23

Provided traffic control on Highway 20 for a cattle crossing.

Provided traffic control for a funeral procession.

Received a report of harassment.  This is an ongoing investigation.

The Brown County Ambulance and the Brown County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a male subject in a mental health crisis.  The male was transported to the hospital and later transported to a mental health facility by ground ambulance transport.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital.

Responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle at a business in Ainsworth.  The vehicle was not found.

Weekly Log
Calls:  118
911 Calls:  8
Calls for Service:  13
Inmates Housed:  2
Vin Inspections:  4
Handgun Purchase Permits:  6

* Parking areas to close on Main Street for striping

(Posted 2 p.m. Nov. 21)

Portions of parking areas on Main Street in Ainsworth will be closed intermittently this week for to allow for striping.

Orange cones will be placed in areas scheduled for paint striping. Motorists are asked not to park in areas with the cones.

The painting is the final portion of the Main Street renovation project. The Nebraska Department of Transportation is working with the Nebraska Public Power District to electrify the new streetlights.

Carl Hart with the NDOT thanks the downtown business owners and residents for their patience and cooperation during the construction project.

* Conroy discusses hurricane recovery effort

(Posted 11:15 a.m. Nov. 21)

* Commissioners approve hiring additional deputy

(Posted 3:15 p.m. Nov. 19)

The Brown County Commissioners on Tuesday gave Sheriff Brent Deibler the go-ahead to interview and hire an additional full-time deputy for the sheriff’s department.

Deibler said, with himself, two full-time deputies and two part-time deputies, the sheriff’s department did not have enough staff to cover all shifts and current employees did not get much, if any, time off.

With three daily eight-hour shifts to staff, Deibler said he had not taken a day off work since he started as the sheriff and his deputies don’t get much time off.

Deibler said, in the past, the sheriff’s department was staffed with the sheriff and five full-time deputies.

Commissioner Jeremiah Dailey said he didn’t think it was out of line for the sheriff’s department to have four full-time employees.

“If we don’t get some more help, we may not have any employees left,” Dailey said.

Deibler agreed, saying his deputies needed to be able to have some time off.

Board Chairman Dennis Bauer said things were going well with the sheriff’s department, and he didn’t want to see someone quit because they can’t take any time off.

“It is important to be able to unwind,” Bauer said.

Commissioner Buddy Small said he agreed hiring an additional full-time deputy was the right thing to do.

Deibler said he would schedule two interviews, one with an applicant who is certified in the state of Nebraska and another who is certified in law enforcement from another state.

County Attorney Andy Taylor said the commissioners would need to approve a resolution allowing for the hiring of an additional employee since it was not included in the sheriff’s budget.

Deputy clerk Becky Hardy said the additional employee would stay in the sheriff’s department budget but the funding needed for the position would then be transferred from the miscellaneous general fund.

Taylor said he would create a resolution for the board to approve during its Dec. 3 meeting.

In other business Tuesday, the commissioners approved updates to the BKR Extension office’s bylaws and constitution. Extension Educator Blair Speck said the main change in the bylaws was requiring five board members to be present for a quorum instead of three. Speck said the board had been operating under the guidelines of needing five members present for a quorum, but the bylaws indicated only three were needed.

Speck said the Extension Board had approved the updates, as had the Rock County Commissioners. She said she will meet with the Keya Paha County Commissioners next week.

The board discussed how to print the county’s legal notices after the Ainsworth Star-Journal indicated it planned to cease operations after Dec. 25 unless another party purchases the newspaper to continue the publication.

Newspaper co-owner Rod Worrell said he was still hopeful a buyer could be found to continue Brown County’s newspaper of record.

Taylor said, if the Star-Journal did cease publication, the county would need to post meeting notices as it does now in three locations.

“If there is a newspaper published outside the county that is in general circulation in Brown County, we would use that publication,” Taylor said.

Worrell said the two papers outside the county that might be in circulation in some part in Brown County would be the Springview Herald and the Rock County Leader. He encouraged the board to check with those newspapers to find out how many subscriptions are mailed to Brown County addresses.

The board continued discussion on a proposal from the North Central District Health Department to place a mobile food pantry in the county.

Bauer said there were pros and cons to the county taking responsibility for the mobile pantry. In addition to finding volunteers to maintain the pantry and keep it stocked, Bauer said liability was a concern.

“We do have a food pantry in town already,” Bauer said. “In the winter, I worry about cans freezing and exploding.”

Dailey said it might work better for the health department to work with a church in the community to place the pantry and have a youth group volunteer to keep track of it.

Bauer said he would talk to the United Methodist Church youth group to see if it would take on the mobile pantry as a project.

“If not, we can come back as a board and make a decision,” Bauer said.

The commissioners approved an update to the county’s meal reimbursement policy, including that receipts for meals must be itemized for the employee to receive reimbursement.

Taylor said an individual submitted receipts for reimbursement recently but they were not itemized. Taylor said he realized the policy did not have language requiring itemized receipts, but he recommended the board update the policy.

Taylor said there were no ill intentions on the part of the employee submitting the receipts, but he felt the county needed to clarify that those receipts needed to be itemized to include the individual items purchased.

Bauer agreed, saying if the county did not have an itemized bill, it had no way to know what was purchased when the reimbursement request is made.

The board approved a budgeted transfer of $13,000 from the miscellaneous general fund to the re-appraisal fund.

The commissioners also discussed an agreement with the village of Johnstown for snow removal and road maintenance. The Village Board did not recommend any changes and requested an agreement be approved for three years. The county receives part of the village’s highway allocation funding from the state in exchange for assisting the village with snow removal and road maintenance.

Taylor said he would review the previous agreement and have something for the commissioners to consider during its next meeting.

That meeting is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Dec. 3.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 10:30 a.m. Nov. 18)

November 10

Issued a violation card for no taillights during a traffic stop on Highway 20.

November 11

Responded to a report of a vehicle-deer accident on Highway 183.

Issued a warning to an unauthorized motor vehicle driving after dark in Ainsworth.

The Brown County Ambulance was paged to Long Pine for a lift assist.  A deputy also responded.

November 12

Provided court room security.

Received a report of harassment by mail.

Released a male subject from the Brown County Jail after they posted bond.  Brown County was housing the subject for Boyd County.

Received a report of suspicious activity on North Main Street in Ainsworth.

Responded to a request for a welfare check on a female subject in Ainsworth.  The female was reported safe at this time.

November 13

Follow-up regarding the welfare check from yesterday. 

Served three paper services in Ainsworth.

Responded to a report of an assault on 4th Street in Ainsworth.  Statements were received and a report will be sent to the attorney’s office.

Responded to a report of terroristic threats on Elm Street in Ainsworth.  A male juvenile subject was transported to a juvenile detention facility.

November 14

The Brown County Ambulance responded to 911 call in Ainsworth.  One patient was transported to the hospital.

Follow-up interviews regarding previous assault report.

November 15

Issued written warning for speeding on Highway 20.

November 16

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing on Highway 20.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a call in Ainsworth, transporting one patient to the hospital.

Issued a speeding citation during a traffic stop on Highway 183.

Received an adult protective services intake reporting possible abuse of an elderly male subject.  The report does not meet definition for an investigation.

Issued a warning for a broken headlight on Highway 20 during a traffic stop.

Issued citation for failure to display plates.

Weekly Log
Calls:  101
911 Calls:  5
Inmates Housed:  2
Calls for Service:  10
Vin Inspections:  3
Handgun Purchase Permits:  5

* City Council approves ABC grant, denies LB 840 apps

(Posted 6:45 a.m. Nov. 13)

The Ainsworth City Council on Wednesday approved one application for funding from the Ainsworth Betterment Committee but denied three applications submitted for LB 840 funding.

The Ainsworth Senior Center initially submitted a request to the ABC Committee for $2,500 to help install a handicap-accessible door to the facility, which represented approximately half of the cost of the project.

Ainsworth Betterment Committee member David Spann said the senior center initially thought it would be able to apply to LB 840 for the remainder of the project, but learned it did not qualify for LB 840 funding.

Spann said the full ABC group did not have a chance to meet again to recommend the additional funding to complete the project, but he said he hoped the council would approve $5,000 from the ABC fund to support the installation of the door.

Spann said the minutes of the ABC meeting indicated that if the senior center was unable to obtain funding from LB 840 then the committee would likely recommend approving the full amount.

Following the discussion, the council approved up to $5,000 in ABC funding. City Administrator Lisa Schroedl said quotes for the electrical wiring portion of the project had not yet been obtained, so the funding would cover the project cost up to $5,000 in case the total comes in lower.

The council voted to deny three applications for LB 840 funding. Two of the applications were recommended for denial by the LB 840 Loan Committee, while a third for professional recruitment was recommended for approval by the committee.

The committee recommended the council deny a business loan application in the amount of $30,000 due to the deemed risk associated with the project and the lack of community benefit.

The committee also recommended the council deny a business façade application due to the sign proposed for rehabilitation not being attached to the building as required by the façade program.

Mayor Joel Klammer said he appreciated the loan committee sticking to the rules of the LB 840 program when looking at each application.

North Central Development Center Executive Director Kristin Olson said, if the council would like the loan committee to review the definition of façade, the committee could make a recommendation to the council at a future meeting on what it believed would meet the definition of façade.

Audience member Rod Worrell said, “Make sure you don’t have any applications in the pipeline before you change the rules, because I’ve been there.”

Councilman Kent Taylor said he was not looking to change any of the rules the committee abides by during this meeting.

The third application, a professional recruitment request in the amount of $90,000 which was recommended for approval by the loan committee under the conditions that the professional commits to serving in the community for at least five years and that the city includes a repayment clause to the LB 840 fund for any breach of the agreement.

Schroedl said the loan committee debated whether to require the professional to serve in the community for five years or for three years, which had been the timeframe included on other contracts.

Councilman Dustin Barthel said, if he was reading through the lines correctly, the agreement was for someone who is already serving in the community and was not for the recruitment of a new professional.

Schroedl said the contract was a retention agreement as opposed to professional recruitment.

Councilman Brad Fiala said recruitment and retention are two different things, and asked if retention of professionals was included in the LB 840 language as a proper use of funding.

Barthel said he believed the council would be opening a whole can of worms by approving a retention contract.

The council entered into a half-hour executive session to further discuss the application. Upon exiting the executive session, the council voted to deny the application as not meeting the guidelines set forth by the LB 840 program for professional recruitment.

In other business Wednesday, the council voted to discontinue the sandblasting work that was previously included as part of the Main Street rehabilitation project.

The council approved having sandblasting work done to differentiate and pattern the downtown sidewalks and crosswalks. However, the contractor instead placed a brick pattern into the concrete sidewalk area instead of the sandblasted pattern approved by the council.

Worrell asked why the city’s engineering firm did not catch the change in what was done compared to what the council approved.

“Who dropped the ball on this?” Worrell asked. “Was it Olssons or the NDOT?”

Klammer said the communication on the entire project has been frustrating for the city.

Barthel said he was disappointed in the way Olsson Associates was overseeing the Main Street work on behalf of the city.

The council voted to discontinue any sandblasting work on the project.

In another streets matter, the council approved the year-end certification of city streets superintendent Lloyd Smith to the Nebraska Department of Transportation. By certifying it has a licensed streets superintendent, the city receives an additional $3,000 incentive payment in its streets allocation funding.

The council approved the third and final reading adopting an ordinance that increases the pay of city council members and the mayor. While pay for the council members will increase to $300 per month, the increase in the mayor’s pay will not become effective until the beginning of the next mayoral term.

The council discussed a policy relating to donors being able to place their names on projects and what funding levels would be needed for a project to be named after a person or entity.

Schroedl said the topic began through a discussion by the Park Board related to the planned pickleball and basketball court project at East City Park.

The Park Board suggested the city come up with a policy for receiving private donations and how much would need to be donated for a project to be named for a specific person or entity.

Olson suggested any policy be generic so it can cover a broad range of projects where private donations may be used.

Klammer said he believed it would be a good idea for the city to have some kind of policy in place relating to private donations.

Barthel suggested members of the council meet with members of the Park Board to discuss what a policy might look like.

Councilman Doug Weiss suggested the city also consider ongoing donations made annually to support various projects in addition to one-time donations.

The council did not take any action Wednesday but will continue discussions on creating a policy.

The council held the second of two required public hearings for the North Main Street paving project. As part of the $433,000 Community Development Block Grant the city received for the project, the council was required to hold public hearings ahead of the project and following the completion of the work to give the public a chance to comment on the project.

With Taylor being elected to the City Council during the General Election but no other city resident running to replace Weiss on the council, Klammer said he would make a recommendation to the council in December on an appointment to the seat. The mayor said anyone interested in serving on the City Council call him or the city office.

The next meeting of the Ainsworth City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. Dec. 11.

* Care Center Board approves retirement benefit

(Posted 11 a.m. Nov. 12)

The Sandhills Care Center Board of Directors on Monday approved providing a 1 percent match to full-time employees who contribute to a 401K retirement account.

During its October meeting, the board tabled the item until it could determine what would happen to health insurance premiums for 2025.

Administrator Penny Jacobs told the board health insurance premiums would increase slightly for 2025. She said the care center opted to keep its health insurance through the Lyons payroll company but would research alternatives, including through the Nebraska Association of County Officials as a subsidiary of Brown County, prior to the 2026 enrollment period.

The care center pays for 85 percent of the cost of an employee’s single health insurance policy. Board member Kent Taylor asked Jacobs how many full-time employees took advantage of the health insurance coverage provided by the care center. Jacobs said about half of the full-time employees receive coverage. After being asked by Taylor, Jacobs said the care center does not offer a cash-in-lieu of insurance benefit.

After discussing the cost of the health insurance benefits provided by the care center, the board discussed providing some kind of employer match to full-time staff members who place a portion of their income into a 401K plan.

Taylor said, if the care center provided a 1 percent matching contribution, it could cost approximately $15,000 per year based on the facility’s payroll.

“I think it is a good idea, and would help with employee retention,” Taylor said.

Board member Bruce Papstein questioned whether the care center’s finances would support the additional benefit moving forward.

“It impacts the bottom line,” Papstein said. “We are kicking in that percentage no matter how many people opt in to it. From an audit and operations standpoint, I think we should wait.”

Board member Dr. Mel Campbell said the care center would be able to include the benefit in its cost reports for Medicaid reimbursement.

“The best way to attract and keep good employees is through salary and benefits,” Campbell said. “One percent is not that high of a kick-in to a 401K. I think we should start there and revisit.”

Papstein said he could live with a 1 percent matching contribution for a year and see how it went.

With board member Dennis Bauer absent, the board approved providing the 1 percent 401K employer match beginning Jan. 1.

In other business Monday, the board approved providing current employees with a retention bonus based on the final installment of federal employee recruitment and retention funding through the American Rescue Plan Act.

While the amount of the federal funds was lower than a year ago and came in at just over $33,000, business manager Makenzie Crane said she figured the retention bonuses in a similar fashion as the previous year, basing the percentage of the bonus on the total number of hours worked by each employee between January and November.

Taylor said the formula worked well the previous year.

Campbell said it needed to be emphasized to employees that this is the final year the care center is receiving the federal funding for the retention bonuses.

The board also discussed holiday pay for employees. Consultant Mark Iverson recommended the board pay staff double time for working on the seven major holidays.

Campbell said he also consulted with the Brown County Hospital and the Rock County Hospital Long Term Care, who both provided double pay to critical staff members who worked on holidays.

Board Chairman Tom Jones said he believed the double pay should extend to all employees, including PRNs, housekeeping and dietary staff, who work on holidays.

“I think we should include the PRNs and see how it goes,” Jones said.

The board approved a bid of $10,994 from Glass Edge of Norfolk to replace the front door of the facility with a handicap-accessible door. There will be an additional cost for wiring the new door.

The board discussed whether it needed to obtain additional bids, but determined due to the uniqueness of the project the only other companies who could perform the work would have to travel from numerous hours away.

The board did opt to obtain additional bids after receiving one quote for updating the sprinkler system in the yard of the care center.

The care center generated $281,847 in revenue during October with expenses of $293,734 for a net loss during the month of $11,887. October was one of two months that included three pay periods.

The care center additionally received $31,384 in grant revenue and $24,150 from the voter-approved tax levy during the month.

Jacobs reported there are currently 31 residents calling the Sandhills Care Center home. Of those, 15 are from Ainsworth, four are from rural Brown County, one is from Long Pine, nine are from Cherry County, one is from Rock County and one resident is from Keya Paha County.

Jacobs said, during the past month, the facility admitted two new residents, both from Valentine. One resident was discharged to an assisted living facility and one resident passed away.

Of the current residents, 14 pay privately, 15 receive Medicaid assistance, one receives Medicare assistance and one resident receives hospice care.

Jacobs reported the new kitchen is much improved but the facility was still in the process of organizing the kitchen to best utilize the space available.

Crane reported the facility’s dining room was in the process of receiving new painting, wallpaper and lighting.

“It is going to be so much brighter in there when it gets done,” Crane said.

The next meeting of the Sandhills Care Center Board of Directors is scheduled for 5 p.m. Dec. 9.

* ACS attains Heart Safe School designation

(Posted 6:45 a.m. Nov. 12)

School nurse Lori Clapper informed the Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education Monday the district had attained a Heart Safe School designation from Project Adam and Children’s Hospital at Omaha.

Clapper said the Heart Safe School program was initiated following the death of a 17-year-old in Wisconsin, who suffered a fatal cardiac arrest during a basketball game.

To achieve the Heart Safe School designation, not only does the school have to incorporate defibrillators in the buildings, but the district has to form an emergency response team, an emergency response plan and practice putting that plan into action.

“We have had AEDs in the school for a number of years,” Clapper said. “We do drills at least twice per year.”

Clapper said about half of the district’s staff is proficient in CPR. She said, during sudden cardiac arrest events that occur at school, the survival rate increases by 71 percent in schools that have a defibrillator.

The board thanked Clapper and the school’s emergency response team for their work in attaining the designation.

Superintendent Dale Hafer reported the district has submitted its final reimbursement request for its allocation of federal ESSER funding. He said the remaining ESSER III funds were used as part of the school’s summer program.

“We made a lot happen with those funds,” Hafer said.

He said the funds were used on updating the district’s curriculum and student laptop computers, which were items the district would have had to use property tax dollars to purchase.

The superintendent reported the district’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance rates would increase 5.49 percent for the 2025 plan year. Hafer said the increase was not as high as the double digit increase that was anticipated.

In action items Monday, the board approved closing its student fee fund and transferring the $1,575 in the fund to the district’s general fund.

“We’ve had this fund for years, but it has been inactive for several years,” Hafer said. “The auditors told us to just close the account and move the $1,575 to the general fund since the account was inactive.”

Hafer said he double checked with the Nebraska Department of Education to make sure the transfer could be made as recommended and was told the transfer could be completed by a simple vote of the board.

The board approved closing the student fee fund and closing the account.

The board approved the second reading of a policy revision relating to support staff licensing and certification and approved the review of school policies 501 to 503.6 with no changes recommended.

The next meeting of the Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education is scheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 9.

* Main Street open to traffic

(Posted 2:15 p.m. Nov. 11)

Nebraska Department of Transportation project manager Carl Hart reported Highway 7 in Ainsworth is now completely open to traffic. The final portion of the project, from Front Street to South Street, was opened to traffic Monday afternoon.

Some additional work on Main Street will continue, including lighting, striping and seeding. The first portion of Main Street was closed in March. The NDOT anticipated portions of Main Street would be closed into November, so the project is on schedule.

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 11:15 a.m. Nov. 11)

November 3

Responded to a 911 caller reporting a reckless driver near Highway 20 and 430th Ave.  The vehicle was not found at this time.

Issued a written warning for speeding on Highway 183.

Received a report of calves out on Highway 183.  The owner was notified and corrected the issue.

Issued two citations for speeding on Highway 7.

Issued a citation for speeding and no registration on Meadville Ave.

Issued a written warning for improper use of center lane on 4th Street in Ainsworth.

November 4

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a page in Ainsworth, transporting one patient to the hospital. 

Issued citation for speeding on Meadville Ave.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Long Pine, transporting one patient to the Rock County Hospital.

Responded to a report of a suspicious individual walking along Highway 20, near the Brown and Rock County line.  The male subject was not found.

Issued a violation card for defective trailer lights and expired registration during a traffic stop on Highway 20.

November 5

Received a report of a lost or stolen firearm.

Follow-up investigation regarding a Department of Health and Human Services intake involving truancy issues.

Responded to a report of cattle out on Highway 183.  The owner was notified and corrected the issue.

The Brown County Ambulance was paged for a lift assist in Long Pine.  Two deputies also responded to the scene for assistance, and no further transport was needed at this time.

Issued a written warning for defective tail lights on Highway 20.

The Brown County Ambulance was paged to an Ainsworth business parking lot and transported one patient to the hospital.

November 6

Responded to a vehicle accident in Ainsworth at a business parking lot.  No injuries were reported, and a vehicle was towed from the scene.

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing along Highway 20 and 428th Ave.

Responded to a report of a semi-trailer driving without headlights on Highway 20.  A citation was issued for defective headlights, no registration and no insurance.  The semi driver was escorted by patrol units to the Bassett NE sale barn as it was loaded with cattle.

November 7

Provided traffic control for a funeral procession on South Main Street.

November 8

Booked a male subject into the Brown County Jail for holding for a Boyd County arrest of domestic assault charges.

The Brown County Ambulance responded to a 911 call in Ainsworth and transported one patient to the hospital.  An on-duty deputy also responded to the scene to assist.

Issued a citation for speeding and expired registration on Highway 20.  Another traffic stop resulted in a citation for speeding on Highway 20, near mile marker 247.

Issued a citation for failure to stop near 4th and Oak Street.

November 9

Provided traffic control for cattle crossing near 429th Ave and Highway 20.

Released a male subject from the Brown County Jail after bond was posted.

Weekly Log

Calls: 113

911 Calls: 11

Calls for Service: 10

Inmates Housed: 3

Handgun Purchase Permits: 6

Vin Inspections: 2

* Statewide General Election Results

(Posted 6:45 a.m. Nov. 6)

Election Results
Voter Turnout – 934,188 (73.89 percent)
Winners in BOLD
(R) Donald Trump 551,343 (60.18 percent)
(D) Kamala Harris 353,106 (38.54 percent)
(L) Chase Oliver 6,113
(LMN) Cornel West 2,884
(PET) Jill Stein 2,705

President by District 1
(R) Donald Trump 172,335 (56.27)
(D) Kamala Harris 129,714 (42.35)

President by District 2
(R) Donald Trump 142,486 (47.49)
(D) Kamala Harris 153,618 (51.21)

President by District 3
(R) Donald Trump 236,522 (76.33)
(D) Kamala Harris 69,774 (22.52)

U.S. Senate
Six-Year Term
(R) Deb Fischer 487,661 (53.86 percent)
(I) Dan Osborn 417,801 (46.14 percent)

Two-Year Term
(R) Pete Ricketts 571,281 (63.15 percent)
(D) Preston Love Jr. 333,401 (36.85 percent)

House of Representatives
District 1
(R) Michael Flood 181,865 (60.55 percent)
(D) Carol Blood 118,491 (39.45 percent)

District 2
(R) Don Bacon 153,191 (51.4 percent)
(D) Tony Vargas 144,873 (48.6 percent)

District 3
(R) Adrian Smith 241,818 (80.43 percent)
(D) Daniel Ebers 58,823 (19.57 percent)

Nebraska Legislature
43rd District
Tanya Storer 11,468 (60.77 percent)
Tony Tangwall 7,404 (39.23 percent)

Initiative 434
Unborn Children Protection Measure
For 496,586 (55.32 percent)
Against 401,072 (44.68 percent)

Referendum 435
Private Education Scholarships
Retain 370,542 (42.94 percent)
Repeal 492,478 (57.06 percent)

Initiative 436
Paid Sick Leave
For 638,737 (74.27 percent)
Against 221,309 (25.73 percent)

Initiative 437
Medical Cannabis
For 614,236 (70.74 percent)
Against 254,079 (29.26 percent)

Initiative 438
Medical Cannabis Dispensing
For 578,375 (66.95 percent)
Against 285,573 (33.05 percent)

Initiative 439
Abortion Rights Protection
For 436,750 (48.55 percent)
Against 462,756 (51.45 percent)

* Brown County Election Results

(Posted 9 p.m. Nov. 5)

Election Results
Brown County
Voter Turnout – 79.88 percent (1,652 ballots cast)
(R) Donald Trump 1,422
(D) Kamala Harris 199
(L) Chase Oliver 6
(LMN) Cornel West 5
(PET) Jill Stein 2

U.S. Senate
Six-Year Term
(R) Deb Fischer 1,237
(I) Dan Osborn 380

Two-Year Term
(R) Pete Ricketts 1,451
(D) Preston Love Jr. 168

House of Representatives
District 3
(R) Adrian Smith 1,442
(D) Daniel Ebers 151

Nebraska Legislature
43rd District
Tanya Storer 935
Tony Tangwall 559

Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court
Retain Judge Julie A. Martin
Yes 1,053
No 230

County Court District 8
Retain Judge James Orr
Yes 1,063
No 256

Brown County Commissioner
(R) Don Painter 1,492

KBR Rural Public Power Board
Pat Schumacher 581

Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education (three seats)
Jacob Graff 1,009
Brad Wilkins 955

Mark Johnson 820
Crystal Dailey 1,253

Ainsworth City Council
Kent Taylor 660

Long Pine City Council (two seats)
David Cheatum 100
Donald Buchanon 50
Hayley Collatos 107

Johnstown Village Board (two seats)
Sam Myers 12
Ruth Trobee 6
Reena King 19

Ainsworth Airport Authority
Matthew Kovar (write-in) 10

Initiative 434
Unborn Children Protection Measure
For 1,123
Against 473

Referendum 435
Private Education Scholarships
Retain 598
Repeal 909

Initiative 436
Paid Sick Leave
For 908
Against 586

Initiative 437
Medical Cannabis
For 744
Against 765

Initiative 438
Medical Cannabis Dispensing
For 644
Against 861

Initiative 439
Abortion Rights Protection
For 463
Against 1,128

All races for Community College Boards and Natural Resources District Boards were unopposed

* Rock County Election Results

(Posted 9 p.m. Nov. 5)

Election Results
Rock County
Voter Turnout – 78.8 percent (846 ballots cast)
(R) Donald Trump 745
(D) Kamala Harris 85
(L) Chase Oliver 2
(LMN) Cornel West 1
(PET) Jill Stein 1

U.S. Senate
Six-Year Term
(R) Deb Fischer 669
(I) Dan Osborn 156

Two-Year Term
(R) Pete Ricketts 746
(D) Preston Love Jr. 64

House of Representatives
District 3
(R) Adrian Smith 741
(D) Daniel Ebers 58

Nebraska Legislature
43rd District
Tanya Storer 501
Tony Tangwall 224

Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court
Retain Judge Julie A. Martin
Yes 479
No 141

County Court District 8
Retain Judge James Orr
Yes 492
No 139

Rock County Commissioner
(R) Wade Hollenbeck 765

Rock County Public Schools Board of Education (three seats)
Krystal Kaup 553
Matthew Morrison 623
Rachel Weidner 671

Bassett Mayor
Mace Turpin 281

Bassett City Council (two seats)
Monte Andrews 249
Michael Turpin 228

Rock County Airport Authority
James Nelson 712

KBR Rural Public Power District
Rock County
Michael Kreitman 426

Initiative 434
Unborn Children Protection Measure
For 536
Against 252

Referendum 435
Private Education Scholarships
Retain 247
Repeal 499

Initiative 436
Paid Sick Leave
For 387
Against 346

Initiative 437
Medical Cannabis
For 337
Against 395

Initiative 438
Medical Cannabis Dispensing
For 278
Against 437

Initiative 439
Abortion Rights Protection
For 247
Against 534

All races for Community College Boards and Natural Resources District Boards were unopposed

* Keya Paha County Election Results

(Posted 8:45 p.m. Nov. 5)

Election Results
Keya Paha County
Voter Turnout – 86.4 percent (546 ballots cast)
(R) Donald Trump 498
(D) Kamala Harris 44
(L) Chase Oliver
(LMN) Cornel West
(PET) Jill Stein

U.S. Senate
Six-Year Term
(R) Deb Fischer 448
(I) Dan Osborn 85

Two-Year Term
(R) Pete Ricketts 496
(D) Preston Love Jr. 34

House of Representatives
District 3
(R) Adrian Smith 489
(D) Daniel Ebers 31

Nebraska Legislature
43rd District
Tanya Storer 296
Tony Tangwall 201

Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court
Retain Judge Julie A. Martin
Yes 269
No 104

County Court District 8
Retain Judge James Orr
Yes 274
No 101

Keya Paha County Commissioners West District
(R) Tony Tiefenthaler 170

Keya Paha County Public Schools Board of Education (three seats)
Kyle Linse 176
Ann Kepler 371
Rachel Ferguson 388
Erik Johnson 331

Reo Miller 168

KBR Rural Public Power Board
Keya Paha County
Clay Beck 431

Springview Village Board
Raymond Angelilli 135

Initiative 434
Unborn Children Protection Measure
For 399
Against 117

Referendum 435
Private Education Scholarships
Retain 180
Repeal 302

Initiative 436
Paid Sick Leave
For 210
Against 269

Initiative 437
Medical Cannabis
For 194
Against 296

Initiative 438
Medical Cannabis Dispensing
For 172
Against 318

Initiative 439
Abortion Rights Protection
For 93
Against 422

All races for Community College Boards and Natural Resources District Boards were unopposed

* Board hears dispute regarding surveyor access

(Posted 3:15 p.m. Nov. 5)

The Brown County Commissioners on Tuesday heard from an attorney representing adjacent landowners near the former Long Lake State Recreation Area site concerned about a notice they received that a surveyor planned to be on their properties the week of Nov. 11-15.

Attorney Todd Flynn said he received an email Oct. 23 that a survey of the area would commence the week of Nov. 11-15 involving multiple sections and multiple landowners.

Flynn said his clients’ main concern was the dry conditions and the potential for fires to start. He said, according to the Drought Monitor, the area was deemed to be in a severe drought.

Flynn said he would attempt to find a more logical date for the surveyors to be in the area without the potential for fires starting.

County Attorney Andy Taylor said the issue doesn’t involve the county and is a dispute between private property owners.

Taylor said he contacted the surveyor. Taylor said the surveyor acknowledged the risk of fire but said the company would take precautions and carry fire extinguishers.

“There is a statute passed in September that says surveyors are allowed to come onto private property,” the county attorney said. “When there is a dispute, it can be filed in District Court and the judge decides.”

Taylor said the survey does not involve the route to the property that was previously approved by the commissioners, but is a survey of the boundaries of the property itself. Taylor said he would coordinate with the sheriff’s department in case the surveyors contacted the sheriff if they were denied access. He said the issue should first go through the court.

No action was required by the commissioners.

In other business Tuesday, the commissioners tabled a request to place a small food pantry in the county until the county could determine any potential liability issues.

TyLinn Dodd with the North Central District Health Department said the pantry was a simple concept that carried no cost to the community. She said it would be an opportunity for people to obtain food without having to wait for a pantry to be open.

Dodd said food insecurity is a private issue, and those who need help with food are often embarrassed and don’t want others to know they are in need of help.

Dodd said freewill donations of non-expired foods could be made to the pantry and those in need could simply obtain items from the pantry.

She said high school construction students built the pantries, which have an overhang and a door with a latch to keep food from being exposed to the elements. She said the pantries are being utilized in other communities.

Commissioner Buddy Small asked Taylor who would assume liability if someone put something bad in the pantry.

Dodd said food donated to the pantry should be non-perishable and unopened. She said she would look for volunteers who would inspect the pantry on a weekly basis to check for any issues.

She said the pantries are designed to give people more privacy and keep them from having to wait for a local pantry to be open.

Taylor said if the county is providing the space for the pantry, the county would be liable for any issues. He suggested the county contact its insurance carrier to see if the pantry could be covered by the county’s liability policy.

“I don’t think anyone would do anything bad, but we always have to plan for the worst,” Taylor said.

The board opted to table action on the item. Commissioner Dennis Bauer said the board would contact NIRMA to find out if the pantry could be covered under the county’s liability insurance policy.

Highway Superintendent Kenny Turpin reported the roads department has replaced culverts on both 427th Avenue and Road 881. He said the old culverts on 429th Avenue at Bone Creek have been excavated with new culverts installed. The roads department was now working on sheet piling and backfilling the site, and should have the project completed by the end of the week.

Turpin said the roads department is installing an auto gate on Moon Lake Avenue, the cost of which would be paid by the property owner who requested the work.

The highway superintendent said he had 22 bridge inspections to perform during November.

The board approved the year-end certification of the highway superintendent. Turpin said, by certifying the county had employed Turpin as the highway superintendent during the past year,  the county would receive an additional $9,000 incentive payment on its annual highway allocation.

Brown County Hospital Administrator Mirya Hallock reported the hospital had recently hired nurse practitioner Crystal Dailey and was actively trying to recruit a second physician to join Dr. Kenneth Wasmund and practitioners Dailey, Jen Schiermeyer and Hillary Goodwin.

Hallock said visits to the clinic and hospital are up, and the facility’s revenue is up. She reported the hospital granted funds to Ainsworth Pharmacy to purchase Ainsworth Drug, and the hospital was working with Northeast Community College to hold nursing classes at the hospital starting in the fall of 2025 to help nursing students from having to travel to Norfolk as often while pursuing a nursing degree.

The commissioners approved the hospital’s annual licensure application, and appointed Ryan Ortner and Scott Goodloe to the Brown County Hospital Board of Trustees for terms starting Jan. 1, 2025, and ending Dec. 31, 2030. Ortner and Goodloe replace Brian Delimont and Tate Schipporeit on the Board of Trustees after their terms expire Dec. 31.

In other action items, the commissioners approved a Highway 20 law enforcement interlocal agreement as presented by Sheriff Brent Deibler. Deibler said the agreement allows law enforcement agencies to assist each other when needed and includes agencies from Chadron to Neligh located along Highway 20.

The board acknowledged a letter from the District Court judge notifying counties in District 8 that wages for court-appointed attorneys would increase from $100 per hour to $125 per hour. Taylor said Attorney Mike Borders serves as the county’s public defender and handles a majority of cases. Only in instances where Borders has a conflict or is not available would the court appoint an attorney for those who cannot afford an attorney.

Treasurer Bruce Mitchell reported that, for the first time in at least 32 years, the county would not have to issue any distress warrants for past-due personal property taxes. He said everyone who received a letter came in and paid the property tax for 2023.

The board approved Deputy Treasurer Melissa Freudenburg to have the right to sign on behalf of the county at any bank where the treasurer does business.

The commissioners approved a budgeted transfer of $300,000 from the county’s miscellaneous general fund to the county highway fund.

Prior to adjourning, the board held an executive session with Deibler to discuss personnel issues. No action was taken following the executive session.

The next meeting of the Brown County Commissioners is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. Nov. 18.

* Brown County Commissioners Tuesday agenda

(Posted 2:45 p.m. Nov. 4)

Brown County Commissioners
Meeting 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5
Brown County Courthouse

Approve minutes of the 10-15-2024 and the regular meeting.
Bruce Mitchell – Recognize Melissa Freudenburg Deputy Treasurer as having rights to sign at any bank the Treasurer’s office does business
Distress Warrant Report – Mitchell
Isolated Lands – Attorney Todd Flynn
Kenneth Turpin – Road Department update
Year-end Certification of County Highway Superintendent & Resolution authorizing chairman to sign – Turpin
1:30 Mirya Hallock – Brown County Hospital License
Appoint two members to the Brown County Hospital Board of Trustees – Small
Budgeted Transfer of $300,000.00 from Miscellaneous General within the General Fund to the County Highway Fund – Clerk’s Office
District 8 Judge’s letter notifying counties of a raise in Court Appointed Attorney fees from $100/hour to $125/hour – District Court
Hwy 20 Law Enforcement Inter local agreement – Deibler
Approve Claims
TyLinn Dodd North Central District Health Department Heart Corp Health Educator- Food Pantry location in Brown County – Dodd
Public Comment
Executive session – RE personnel issues – Deibler

* Brown County Sheriff’s Department weekly summary

(Posted 8:45 a.m. Nov. 4)

October 27

Provided traffic control for a cattle crossing on Highway 20.

Responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle on Norden Ave.  The vehicle had wheel damage and was towed due to still being on the roadway.

The Brown County Ambulance transported a patient to Norfolk.

October 28

Extradited a male subject from Ogallala after he was booked into the Keith County Jail on a Brown County warrant for escape and failure to appear.

Responded to a report of a reckless driver on Highway 20.  Contact was made with the driver, who received a verbal warning for driving on the shoulder.

Served 3 paper services in Ainsworth.

Issued a written warning for speeding to a South Dakota driver on Highway 20.

Issued a citation for defective taillights and failure to display correct number of plates to a Nebraska driver in Ainsworth.

October 29

Issued a citation for speeding 77mph in a 65mph zone near the Highway 20/9A Spur to a Nebraska driver.

October 30

During a traffic stop on 4th Street in Ainsworth a male subject was issued a citation for driving under suspension.

Responded to a report of animal abuse on Maple Street. 

Responded to a request for a welfare check in Ainsworth.  The juvenile party was located and reported safe at this time.

October 31

Responded to a report of a juvenile not attending school in Ainsworth.

Responded to a report of a one vehicle accident on Highway 20 near the Brown and Rock County line.  No injuries were reported, and the vehicle was towed from the scene.  The driver stated he fell asleep. 

Released a male subject from the Brown County Jail after receiving a personal recognizance bond.

November 1

Responded to a civil matter in Long Pine.

Follow-up investigation regarding theft in Long Pine.

Responded to a report of a juvenile on 4th Street throwing rocks at passing cars.  The juvenile was not found.

Received a report of harassment with the use of a cellular device.

Issued a citation for no trailer lights or current registration during a traffic stop on Highway 20.

Issued a citation for speeding on Highway 20 for driving 77mph in a 65mph zone.

Received a report regarding a male subject in a mental health crisis.

November 2

Follow-up investigation regarding a civil property dispute in Long Pine.

Provided a civil standby in Ainsworth for property distribution.

Issued a violation card for no trailer lights during a traffic stop on Highway 20.

Weekly Log
Calls: 106
911 Calls: 6
Calls for Service: 12
Vin Inspections: 3
Handgun Purchase Permits: 6
Inmates Currently Housed: 2

          Mon-Sat – 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.
          Sunday – 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.